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Member Since 03 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2010 12:59 PM

Topics I've Started

Adding shadows

15 December 2009 - 06:23 PM

Hello guys!!First of all i have to say that the mod is going to be amazing!!I wanted to ask if it would be possible to add to the mod shadows for every tree and unit so that it looks more realistic like BFME2.I am sure i may require a lot of work but i was just wondering.

Online Problem

30 June 2009 - 03:54 PM

Hello guys,i need some help.First of all the mod is awesome and that's why i want to play it with my friend online.I used to play online battles without the mod installed.I want to play online with the mod but when i click on the multiplayer online button there is a message which says ''You must download the patch in order to play online''.I click ok but then another message appears which tells ''You must have administrative rights in order to download the patch''.The cd is original and so is my BFME II.Any ideas?I don't get on very well with hamachi and that's why i am trying to play online with the common way.


06 April 2009 - 04:17 PM

something about the buildplots..they were part of BFME1..now..in BFME2..you can see a farm on the other side of the map..or..20 farms in a row..it would be very nice to bring some maps with buildplots back..

The Balrog

06 April 2009 - 04:07 PM

Now..something about the Balrog..1st..he has a very short time duration..2nd..he is too weak..it's not logical..summoning one of the most fearful creature in middle earth..and watching it beeing killed by some arrows..i summoned him..i waited to do a huge damage to the base..and he was defeated by the arrows which where throwed by the structures around him.. ;)


06 April 2009 - 04:03 PM

hey..i would like to see them together..fighting a whole army..as usual..traveling through middle earth..just like BFME1..it was a great time..see them together..but please..if it's possible..not for a short period of time..