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Member Since 07 Mar 2009
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Topics I've Started

Corrupted Sidebar and Cameo Text

19 May 2010 - 01:42 PM

Friends, I need some help in creating a Sidebar for Yuri's revenge. When I create a new sidebar, I always run into this type of graphic corruption. My palettes are working well and the Sidebar colors itself appear to be normal in-game. However, the text of the Cameos gets mangled with the black background and gets corrupted in-game. It seems that I am messing something in it since I normally reproduce this whenever I make a new Sidebar.

Posted Image

Combining multiple bridges and slopes

23 May 2009 - 01:15 PM

How do you combine multiple bridges and slopes into one in Final Alert? Say, a combined large bridge instead of multiple tiles which would make AI units not clog when they attack you? Or a bigger slope so that your hordes of units will easily pass and avoid issues in pathfinding? Anyone knows how to do this? Thanks