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JG Phoenix

Member Since 15 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 02 2009 02:57 PM

Topics I've Started


26 March 2009 - 04:09 AM

No need to reply to this one. I'm just leaving this up to make a checklist of my modding attempts on FoC. Feel free to ask for the code sheets if you're curious.

X: means I failed and will not try again until I learn more
$: means I succeeded more or less(99%) and the mod is complete
%: means I haven't finished but am making "OKAY" progress
♥: means I need more motivation to continue the project

% AT-ST Elite: Walkers with enhanced speed, reaction, shields, the HUNT ability and the Shield Flare ability.
$ Boba Fett: Switched out the flamethrower for a powerful plex missile in the form of the swap weapons ability.
♥ Mara Jade: Tried to give Mara an Eta2 craft for space and land battles. Space works but land isn't. :blink: (You should be just as surprised as I am...)
% Skills: Upgrading and adding realism to unit skills. Example. No recharge time for "Deploy Troops" ability, certain vehicles and units have been equiped with the HUNT ability, and more changes continue.
% Scale Factor: Changing unit and structure scales occasionally to be more realistic or canonical. AT-ATs are currently at scale 2.0 which is friggin huge but as accurate as the movies sad to say.
% Planning a total game add-on: ALL Fighters and Bombers will have land versions of themselves available for battle. Very small ships such as Tartan Cruisers and Corellian Corvettes will be able to be used during land battles on CERTAIN planets ONLY. They're too friggin big to be on certain maps and certain terrains. Currently finished ground fighters excluding the ones that I did not personally do:
N1 Starfighter (Naboo Starfighter)
Eta2 Actis Interceptor (Episode Three Jedi Fighter)

The ones that were done in the ACM Mod from which I work are:
X Wing
Tie Fighter
Tie Interceptor
Tie Avenger
Gallofree HTT transport

% New Locations: Once I get comfortable with my SW Universe maps I'll start throwing in more places and such, maybe even my own locations, but first I need to learn the galactic position code and what it means.
$ Thrawn's SD: Worked like a charm and he now flies a regular Star Destroyer. :umad:
% Veer's SD: I gave General Veers an SD that I named Answerer which is noncanonically the SD that was disabled over Hoth by the Ion Cannon attack. The SD works perfectly but there's two icons for some reason, one for Veers and one SD icon :unsure:
% Projectiles: Adding severe realism to lasers, missiles and the like. Laser cause small explosions when they hit the ground just like in the movies. Parameters are changed almost universally too making ALL units more deadly and forcing a bit of stradegy in any attack.
$ Heroes: Health of ALL "On foot" heroes has been dramatically reduced. This makes them very vulnerable to certain attacks. Lightsaber wielders now have a 90% chance to deflect blaster fire but a 0% chance to block meaning that the only viable threat to them is a continued barrage or a weapon of a different type:Missiles, bombs, etc.

More later :p

Adding a new planet/system to GC

17 March 2009 - 09:04 PM

So I want to add a FEW new planets and systems to the game. I think these are the xmls I need to screw with to make that happen:


and of course the master text file.
I don't know if I'm missing anything or not, but I do know that there is something VERY important that I have to figure out before I try this:

<Galactic_Position>0.0, 0.0, 0.0</Galactic_Position>

I've got to know where these numbers start, and what each stands for so I can place new systems in exact locations. I'm not even gonna try this until I know what those number represent on the map(highest values, x,y,z).

Any help would be greatly appretiated.

Grand Admiral Thrawn

16 March 2009 - 09:02 PM


I haven't figured out why changing the space model from:
isn't working. I checked and that's the name of the REGULAR model I was going to use. Am I missing something? If so, enlighten me quickly so I can be that much closer to learning the code. :p


16 March 2009 - 12:10 AM

Hey, what'sup? I'm new here. I joined this forum to learn how to mod FoC. I'm trying to learn EVERYTHING possible, but it shouldn't take too long because I retain this type of stuff instantly. When I learn it, I don't forget so that should help.

Here's some things I already know how to do:(All of this learned by trial, error, exception storms, and educated guessing.)

Adding New Fighter Squadrons: Adjusting parameters, Using different Icons, Adjusting Squad #s, Adjusting Offsets

Giving Heros Unique Space/Land units: Example, Mara Jade(Mod) has a Eta2 as a space unit. Land codes for units have been tested but I still haven't had a successful test, partly because I tried to test two changes at the same time. FAIL

Master Text File: *sigh* It's the easiest part of modding PERIOD, yet it's so hard with the regular DAT editor, so I got the String editor instead.

Parameters: Of course anyone with alittle bordem and time can start messing with parameters: Speed, Turn, Accel, , Powers, etc.

Company Units: Just like squadrons, changing data for ground companies and hero companies, also adding or changing escorts.

Factions: Adjusting random lines of interest, retreat time, colors, and browsing sound effects.

Buildables/Garrisons: Messing wiht building garrisons, and the units that can be built there.

And here's a list of horribly embarrassing failures:
Angermanagement: FAIL
Changing Thrawn's SD to a regular one: FAIL (Really? Yeah really.)
Adding New Empire Hero Unit, General Rom Mohc and keeping him attached to the Arc Hammer, + ground AT-ST: FAIL
Adding General Grievous, & Magnaguards, & Delta Squad to existing mod, including all associated files without overwriting existing XML files: FAIL
Creating a Sith Hero using KoTOR models(Couldn't aquire): FAIL
Using the Tacticle Planet explode 300x particle for SSDs, lvl Space Stations, Super Laser detonate particle: FAIL
Minimum of only one exception per week: FAIL

So... I'm not a beginner but this is how hard it is when you have to figure out EVERYTHING by yourself. I'm hoping I can get some real help here. I look at tutorials when I can find them but nothing ever addresses MY coding problems. Hoping to turn those fails into successess :)