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Member Since 30 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active May 24 2009 07:07 PM

Topics I've Started


18 April 2009 - 05:32 PM

I try to create a ship. But I've got a problem. Apparently for ships there are no separate files for skeleton and skin but both are put in the same file. The problem is I don't know how to create a file with both skeleton and skin. Do you have a solution? I use Gmax with RenX and w3d importer.

[edit] : And do you know where I can find good tutorials for those softwares?


14 April 2009 - 06:32 PM

A poll for the weakest of the five Istari but who remains stronger than any men

Beornings and woodmen

14 April 2009 - 06:27 PM

There's a lot of disagreement about Beornings. Just for curiosity I want to know what the figures are.

Let me repropose my suggestion for Beornings

lvl1 : - swordmen of the woods : Tall men with swords that come by batallion of 4 and can hide near trees

- woodwardens : Tall men with bows that come by batallion of 4 and can hide near trees (but unlike ranger with no fire arrows, nor sword to fight in close combat, nor arrow rain power)

- birds of the forest : (limit 1) flying spies that are stealth

lvl2 : - great hounds : a batallion of 6 big dogs that have a sprint power ability that can allow them to go as fast as cavalry for 2 or 3 sec (but witout trample or knockback)

- Bees:(upgrade): your inn now produce a small amout of ressources by making honey

lvl3 : - Bestial strength: (upgrade) increase damage of human units

- Warg leather: (upgrade) increase armor with the use of the skinn of wargs

lvl4 : - shapeshifter : (limit 3) a huge man that come alone and can change himself into a mighty bear

lvl5 : - Grimbeorn : the mighty shape shifter, son of Beorn

- Some ranger style hero that need a name and that wood be another leader of the woodmen

- Natural resiliance : (upgrade) availble for birds, hounds and shape-shifter, increase maximum HP

lvl6 : - Radagast I know he is also in Rohan but he really belongs to Beorn's friend. Moreover chances that 2 Radagast came to battle on a map with an elf, a dwarf and a rohan player are really small.

Inn Factions

09 April 2009 - 10:01 PM

I think it's not the main priority. The campaign and main faction should go first. But here is what imo should be the Inn allies of each factions. (Of course keep the system where you can make only one alliance)


- Southern Fiefdom: just keep it how it is
- Rohan : If you want to be able to get some more cavalry
- Grey Company : If you want to focus on stealth and get Halbarath Elladan and Elrohir

- Westfold: stronger infantry
- Wose: stealth, great vision range and poison
- Lorien: Some more bows (and because of the movies)
- Grey Company

- Mirkwood: stealthed archer would be a surprise with dwarves
- Beornings: men of the woods and bear shape-shift and maybe Radagast
- Dale: You don't have to pay anything to forge the alliance and you can get dale swordman and bowman, the esgaroth skirmisher and maybe a cavalry unit (but keep dale units without cavalry in the main faction)

- Grey company
- Beornings
- Lindon



- Misty mountains goblins : cheap alliance with cheap but numerous units
- Dunland : Don't pay to make the alliance, the inn become a dunlending tavern (but keep the man from dunland also in the main faction)
- Minas Morgul : orcs from minas morgul and maybe a nazgul on a fell beast for really upgraded alliance
- Istari Domination : A very expensive one that allow you to bring to your side the other Istaris because Saruman managed to break their mind.

- Rhun
- Harad
- Isengard

(first of all I want to say I think this faction should be reworked by removing half trolls and spiders and adding wolves, wolf riders and maybe a wolf heroe instead because of the battle of five armies. Also add goblins drums that comes in small groups and gives leadership. Goblins would then became a faction with weak but very numerous infantry, medium strength cavalry, fair strong cave trolls and mountain giants (mountain giants should be toned down) and above all over-powerfull but very very expensive (or spammable with late-game powers) monsters: Dragons,Drakes, Balrogs, wirm, watcher... then their weakness beeing having few mid-game units )
-Black Forest: spiders and what's left from Dol Guldur
-Gundabad Orcs: Strong Orcs from the north with Snow Trolls
- maybe Dunland?

- Khand
- Umbar
- Far Harad With half-trolls wich are in fact strong and huge black-skinned humans that gondor folks believe to have Troll blood
- Mordor

Actually I don"t really know