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Silent Assassin2

Member Since 01 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2011 08:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: introduce yourself here

27 December 2009 - 11:55 AM

Oh yea didnt see that there well it looks like your fairly close except for the 3d and the sound/voices I dont know much about modding but the 3d would be the hardest thing to do am I right?

In Topic: introduce yourself here

22 December 2009 - 01:35 PM

Hey Thud you probably dont remember me but im the one who originally started this post I havent checked the progress in some time so hows it going?

In Topic: Support For The Dark Angels Mod:

14 May 2009 - 07:29 AM

Why do I hear you have been getting so many casualties then I mean australias only had like 10 casualties youve had more than that no offence where just trained very well

In Topic: Showcase for new models - NEW Lone Wolf

04 May 2009 - 04:00 AM

Nice :grin:

In Topic: Support For The Dark Angels Mod:

04 May 2009 - 03:57 AM

I talking about other tanks if they have them rpg 7s other weapons that would easily wreck tanks