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Captain Amileth

Member Since 15 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2009 12:53 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Gondor

15 April 2009 - 06:14 PM

I still think that despite Beregond's relatively limited importance that he should be merited a Hero, just as Hama is. He could be an early game hero, who provides an ofensive bonus for Pippin, a defensive bonus for Faramir, an ofensive and defensive bonus for himself when fighting with Pippin and Faramir respectively, because he was motivated by his admiration for Faramir and his fondness for Pippin.

In fact, the reason he was not executed for spilling blood on the Silent Street was because he fought bravely in the Battle of the Morannon and because his actions were driven by his love for Faramir. He may not have been a captain or a leader, but he could face Mordor's onset to protect those in his care, his friends, his family, his people, his home.

Here Here! *Applause*

In Topic: Create-a-Hero

15 April 2009 - 05:14 PM

Just to add my voice to the masses here, but I believe CaH should stay as it adds a little bit extra to the game. As was said, you DO have the option to 'not allow CaH characters' in the game. As for this most excellent mod, I have thuroughly enjoyed the mod since I downloaded it, my husband and I both play it alot. Being as there are very few female heroes in the game, and that I play as Gondor and Arnor quite often, my CaH is my pixelated representation of myself in game when I lead my armies in battle against my dreaded Orc Warleader of a Husband. ;P

Though I am a bit bummed by the fact the woman 'shield maiden' can not wear a White Tree Gondor Tunic like the 'Man of the West' can. IMO I think the appearance schematics should be the same for men and women toons. I would like to see men and women of the west have the ability to toggle weapons from bow's to two handed swords like Faramir the Hero can, and the female Elven Archer CaH. Sometimes I just like to draw my big mother of a sword and wade into those orcs all close and personal like, know what I mean ?

I'm sure you have alot on your plate Rob, but if you decide to ever tinker with the CaH System and give it a revamp, thought I'd give you a couple idea's Id like to see. (Stated above.)

But to end this, yes, Id like to see the CaH system stay.

"Serving out punishment to the forces of Mordor since T.A. 3016."