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Member Since 16 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active May 18 2009 12:23 PM

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In Topic: Modding Tutorials and Q&A

03 May 2009 - 05:15 PM

hi, thanks rosco for the previously post, i found it :grin:
And next question i want make real nuclear missile so im asking how can i modify range and damage of the basic nuclear missile from NUKE GENERAL

In Topic: Modding Tutorials and Q&A

01 May 2009 - 08:55 AM

if you just want to replace the icon you can paste the new icon over the old one on the icon texture.

So what file have i open? Remix.big? i opened texturesZH.big file but here arent icons. So please i need exactly location of icons ;)
Sorry for your time

In Topic: Modding Tutorials and Q&A

29 April 2009 - 12:26 PM

IM back :p

Please how can i change icons of units?
I cant found it. I have new photos for tanks and want change default icons with mine.. Any ideas? :facepalm:

In Topic: Modding Tutorials and Q&A

25 April 2009 - 01:40 PM

hi i have 2 questions....please can someone help me?

1.how can i do that my unit can be buildable only once(as heroes or strategy center, they can be only once)

2.How exactly change icons of generals if games loading...i want change Icon of laser general on icon of robot general but i dont know how...

Thanks :p

In Topic: Modding Tutorials and Q&A

23 April 2009 - 03:23 PM

To change the name of the stealth fighter you only have to change the value in the generals.csf file. The line you need to find is object:stealthfighter, once you click on that you should see what is shown below:


The name field is what is use in the code to identify the entry, you don't want to change this. The value field is what is displayed in game, if you change this then the name of the stealth fighter ingame will change.

If you have changed object:stealthfighter to object:F117 or anything else in the units code, you have to either change that back or change the name field to match.

im sorry for your time rosco....thanks very much i know what is bad....i havent CSF editor and i used only text editor on csf files so this is problem...now if i download csf editor i will try your metod....so thank you :thumbsupsmiley: