Hopefully this is a simple answer. I am trying to mod the guard so that I can add the three bonus commanders directly to the squads like you can add sergeants, rather than buying the upgrade, building 9 units, and walking them out into the field trying to attach them to specific squads. I find it too micro managey. I am using Corsix mod studio. So far I have added the three units under the leader section of the squad in ebps, and added basic structure type requirements. It works, I can add those units to the squad in game, however their UI icons, have replaced the weapon upgrades. So I can add a sergeant and ether a commissar, psyker or prist, but can no longer add grenades or plasma. I think it should be possible, because the celestial squads have 2 leader units, and 2 types of heavy weapon upgrade, they sit in different slots on the UI. I cant see where in the unit details, the squad details or the weapon details, any information relating to what position their UI icon would sit. I assume the leader icons are overlapping the weapon ones, and I'm not sure how to allocate them to be separate.
Edit: If I can get this to work, I'd also look at allowing space marine scout squads to add on a skull probe to a limit of 4 across the army as well.