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Member Since 08 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2011 05:22 AM

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In Topic: how to add new loading screen

24 August 2011 - 04:38 AM

More specifically, ls800ustates.shp is the name you want.

In Topic: Pre-release Subfaction Design Ideas Thread

12 August 2011 - 08:17 PM

The Prism and High-tech technologies weren't the only things Allied stole when allied defected. The Polaris is the result of Allied engineers making heavy modifications to a prototype blueprint of the Soviet Apocalypse Tank. The Polaris is more heavily armored than an Apocalypse, but is painfully slow. However, its Powerful twin 150mm Cannon will ensure the swift destruction of any tank that gets into range. Like abram, Polaris has enchanced laser rifle which fries infantry instantly. With an robot-controlled engine, Polaris cannot be mind-controled

Somebody give sense to this line because I can't. I mean.... WTF?!

What's not to get? The Allieds stole from themselves what they already had when they made themselves imperfect. :wink_new:

In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

10 August 2011 - 03:15 PM

I don't think stealth while not moving is possible yet, but that is a pretty neat design.

Could be disguise.

In Topic: Pre-release Subfaction Design Ideas Thread

08 August 2011 - 06:34 PM

Here another idea that could fit to any subfraction:

Decoy Tank

Cost: 150
Primary: N/A
Secondary: N/A
Use: Decoy
Health: Virtully nothing
Speed: depends on the real thing
Build Speed: fast
Special: Randomly create a "decoy tank" depending on your tech level

Security is not all about super modern technology and powerful weapons. The Russian/US Army is being equipped with dummies and decoys.
Even from a distance of only 50 metres, fake military hardware looks exactly like the real thing and it’s effectively used on battlefield positions and to protect Russian/US strategic installations from the eagle eye of surveillance satellites.
Their main task is to distract attention and protect real combat units from strikes.
These Tanks look & move like the real thing, but cost nearly nothing compared to the "real" thing.
Drawback: Will get destroyed instantly if fired at them (at least from non-infantry units)

Or better for coding: make the "decoy Tank" work the same way as the Spy. Decoy Tank has its own look and speed. And if you select one of your own units (vehicles) it will change its appereance to the selected vehicle.
This could bring some fun if you rush a base with some decoy APCs and one "real" thread. Could also be funny for some distraction movements/attacks or if the opponent is going to destroy your precious tanks with his aircraft. ;)

As Zenothist already stated, CanDisguise doesn't work with vehicles.

In Topic: Pre-release Subfaction Design Ideas Thread

08 August 2011 - 03:41 AM

First of all I should make it clear that I'm not involved in MO, but I can tell you that the only weapon system that comes close to being involved in dealing damage as a percent would be Attack Squid's culling, but it has much drawbacks and limitations. Plus, there are only 11 armortypes, and making more armortypes for every unit is doable in Ares, but I don't see the need just to make one unit. I was merely saying that there was a complicated workaround for your idea to a certain extent.

Don't worry, I was quite aware that you're not a member of the MO team. Also, I know there are only 11 different armor types in RA2, but I didn't know you could add more using Ares. Still, I meant something different: You look at the strength of e.g. all none armor infantry, find out that they have on average 100 strength; then you want this unit to improve the damage of all units against the target by 25% percent, therefore you set this gattling weapon to deal 20 damage. But if enough such gattling units attack a single target wouldn't the be able to instantly destroy it? Or is there some why to prevent that only a single unit can only be targeted by one such attack?

Yes, however not all units of an ArmorClass have the same strength, and sometimes they are quite radically different. BuildLimit set to one obviously solves the second problem, but you can see that gattling logic is not looping, and given the fact that the weapon will only work correctly if the targeted unit is at full health, you can see that this won't end up perfect.