Is any of this in the current release? (1.03 I think)
Alright, combo hordes & formations are back! Are you gonna add these abilities to the other factions as well? And can combo hordes split apart?
The new models/skins look AWESOME! Shame I'll never be able to see them in game (my computer only runs on medium )
And, how do you make those sweet black forged blades? I could probably find a few uses for an effect like that...
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The Shadow
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In Topic: Isengard
05 October 2009 - 08:46 PM
In Topic: Nert's Coding Questions
10 August 2009 - 06:48 PM
It may have something to do with the fact that it's a spell book power. In fact, I can't think of a single instance where the NEED_TARGET_ENEMY_OBJECT option was used with a SPELL_BOOK command. The only ones I've seen are NONPRESSABLE (for passive powers) and NEED_TARGET_POS (for summons, and pretty much everyting else). Some powers are missing an "Options =" line entirely; these are click-to-activate powers, like CloudBreak and Call the Horde.
You may want to try basing your powers on war chant, instead. It's not exactly like what I think you want, but it will still respect your AttributeModifierAffects kindof, and can be targeted, just not at a specific unit. You could make the radius pretty small to compensate.
You may want to try basing your powers on war chant, instead. It's not exactly like what I think you want, but it will still respect your AttributeModifierAffects kindof, and can be targeted, just not at a specific unit. You could make the radius pretty small to compensate.
In Topic: RenX/modeling-skining problem.
28 July 2009 - 01:17 AM
Normal maps are used to give the appearance of "depth" to an ordinarily flat skin. It's present on most BFME2/ROTWK buildings. Any building that originates from BFME1 (the gondor barracks, for example) don't have normal maps.
RenX doesn't support normal maps, so when you attempt to import a normal-mapped building, RenX freaks out - hence the screwed up mapping.
In order to import BFME2/ROTWK buildings into RenX, use this tutorial: Link
RenX doesn't support normal maps, so when you attempt to import a normal-mapped building, RenX freaks out - hence the screwed up mapping.
In order to import BFME2/ROTWK buildings into RenX, use this tutorial: Link
In Topic: Adding custom audio to an ability/spell
28 July 2009 - 01:06 AM
Audio doesn't have to be added to asset.dat. Just place your .wav files into data/audio/sounds, and reference them in the ini.
In Topic: Nert's Coding Questions
23 July 2009 - 01:04 AM
Here's a possible solution to the raven vision bonus problem (if you haven't found one already):
In the raven's ini:
Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade VisionBonus
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_RavenSight
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_RavenSpeed Upgrade_RavenStealth
Delay = 0.0
RemoveUpgrade = Upgrade_RavenSpeed Upgrade_RavenStealth
ThingToSpawn = DwarfRavenSightObject
Offset = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0
FadeInTime = 0
Behavior = SlaveWatcherBehavior WatcherForVisionLoss
RemoveUpgrade = Upgrade_RavenSight
Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade RemoveVisionBonus_1
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_RavenSpeed
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_RavenSight Upgrade_RavenStealth
Delay = 0.0
ThingToSpawn = DwarfRavenSightKillerEgg
Offset = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0
FadeInTime = 0
Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade RemoveVisionBonus_2
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_RavenStealth
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_RavenSight Upgrade_RavenSpeed
Delay = 0.0
ThingToSpawn = DwarfRavenSightKillerEgg
Offset = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0
FadeInTime = 0
In the raven's ini:
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_RavenSight
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_RavenSpeed Upgrade_RavenStealth
Delay = 0.0
RemoveUpgrade = Upgrade_RavenSpeed Upgrade_RavenStealth
ThingToSpawn = DwarfRavenSightObject
Offset = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0
FadeInTime = 0
Behavior = SlaveWatcherBehavior WatcherForVisionLoss
RemoveUpgrade = Upgrade_RavenSight
Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade RemoveVisionBonus_1
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_RavenSpeed
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_RavenSight Upgrade_RavenStealth
Delay = 0.0
ThingToSpawn = DwarfRavenSightKillerEgg
Offset = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0
FadeInTime = 0
Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade RemoveVisionBonus_2
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_RavenStealth
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_RavenSight Upgrade_RavenSpeed
Delay = 0.0
ThingToSpawn = DwarfRavenSightKillerEgg
Offset = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:0.0
FadeInTime = 0
Two new objects:
Object DwarfRavenSightObject
Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
Model = None
ShroudClearingRange = 100
Side = Neutral
EditorSorting = UNIT
ThreatLevel = 2.0
TransportSlotCount = 1
CrushableLevel = 5 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
CrusherLevel = 0
IsTrainable = No
RadarPriority = NOT_ON_RADAR
Conditions = None
Armor = NoArmor
DamageFX = NormalDamageFX
Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_MakesKillWork
MaxHealth = 10000
Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS
AILuaEventsList = WargRiderFunctions
Locomotor = FellBeastLocomotor
Condition = SET_NORMAL
Speed = 999
Behavior = SlavedUpdate ModuleTag_Slave
GuardMaxRange = 2
GuardWanderRange = 1
Object DwarfRavenSightKillerEgg
Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
Model = None
Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_MakesKillWork
MaxHealth = 1
Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_HatchTrigger
MinLifetime = 0.0
MaxLifetime = 0.0
;Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_HatchProcess
; DestructionDelay = 4000
; FX = INITIAL FX_BalrogSummoningStart
; FX = FINAL FX_BalrogSummoningFinish
; OCL = FINAL OCL_BalrogSummoningFinish
; Weapon = FINAL BalrogSummoning
Behavior = FireWeaponWhenDeadBehavior ModuleTag_07
StartsActive = Yes
DeathWeapon = DwarfRavenSightKillerWeapon
In weapon.ini:
Weapon DwarfRavenSightKillerWeapon
DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
Damage = 1
Radius = 999999.0
DelayTime = 0
DamageType = FORCE
DeathType = NORMAL
DamageScalar = 9999999% NONE +DwarfRavenSightObject
Set the ShroudClearingRange of the DwarfRavenSightObject to whatever you want the new vision range to be.
What the above code (should) do: upon purchasing the upgrade, the raven spawns a new, invisible object (DwarfRavenSightObject), which has a larger ShroudClearingRange, thus making it appear that the raven's sight has been upgraded. The DwarfRavenSightObject is a slave of the raven, so it'll follow the raven around the map. The small ranges in the SlavedUpdate, combined with the object's high speed, should ensure that it will mirror the raven's every move.
When a different upgrade is purchased, another object is spawned (DwarfRavenSightKillerEgg), which dies immediately and fires a weapon that destroys all DwarfRavenSightObject units on the map. The SlaveWatcherBehavior in the raven's ini causes the sight upgrade to be removed when the raven's sight object is killed.
It's a rather complex, convoluted solution, but it's also the only one I could come up with.