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Member Since 05 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 13 2009 05:57 PM

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In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

01 September 2009 - 11:35 PM

I don't exactly get what you mean, sorry.

This. IMHO the curved road connecting the two bridges is out of place. Plus, two bridges seems a bit over-redundant for just one oil derrick.

In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

01 September 2009 - 08:12 PM

Nice! I like the Baltic one best. Only thing that looks odd to me is the bridges going to the oil derrick. Specifically the curved road connecting the bridges look strange. Maybe place the oil derrick in that spot instead?

In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

31 August 2009 - 07:11 AM

And we are all going to balance that bastard people. :thumbsupsmiley: ATM Centurion is pretty easy to be dealt with (I mean, in my current build) so I think balancing of this mechanical monster won't be a problem, although it's still a high priority.

- Speeder is re-writing the mod.
- This is the official 3.0 suggestion thread.
- Speeder's going to re-balance the Centurion, so I think there is hope he might consider hero units for the other nations.
- Speeder hasn't posted in this thread that he is vehemently against hero units in the next version. I for one hope he considers them.

modder666: Are you on the dev team for this project? I can't seem to find you on the staff page.

In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

29 August 2009 - 03:17 PM

Allies, who are dependent upon their technology and lighter units to fight, get a big heavy unit that's got Soviet written all over it. Not to mention you contradict yourself by giving it 3x the BFRT armor yet its the weakness.

In short, bad horrible idea.

The current Centurion has like 8x the armor of a BFRT, so by comparison it is indeed weak. Your arguement = void.

In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

25 August 2009 - 10:15 PM

... since the topic already delve a bit into hero units...

I got a neat idea for an Allied Hero unit today.

Assault Fortress - The bigger, badder brother of the Battle Fortress.
For too long have allied forces suffered incredible losses at the hands of the Soviet Centurion. It's time for them to strike back. True to Allied strategy, the Assault Fortress is geared more toward mobility/versatility than armor. It floats like a hover transport enabling it to traverse land and water. But it can still run head to head with a Centurion thanks to 10 turrent points which can be occupied by any troop combination you please.

Speed: Slightly faster than a Centurion
Armor: 3x that of a Battle Fortress
Weapons: Machine gun found on the Battle Fortress has been replaced with the missile launcher found on the IFV for more versatility.
Range: Same as Battle Fortress
Garrison-able: Can hold 8-10 infantry unit (depending on game balance)
Not a detector unit!

- Can assist in naval strikes thanks to hovering ability
- Can be configured to any role you please thanks to 8-10 turrent points (anti-air, anti-infantry, anti-base, or a little of everything)
- Can sneak into enemy bases on island maps

- Range still far less than a Centurion
- Armor
- Still needs dolphin support to spot underwater threats
- Susceptible to both squid and terror drone attacks

Any thoughts? Critiques? Severe verbal beatings?