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Member Since 11 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Private

Topics I've Started

Mytheon will you play it.

15 December 2009 - 07:05 AM

Well with there closed beta kicking off and 2010 approaching Mytheon will be released before we know it so i was wondering will you play it ?
Do you like the look of It ? etc.

Well i think the game is looking good and i will be playing it for sure.

New Website at Petroglyphgames.com

11 December 2009 - 08:40 PM

I am posting this due to Berek not being able to post in this forum.
Greetings everyone!

As you probably have seen by now, we have slipped in a new website at petroglyphgames.com! It's been a long time in coming, but something I set out as one of the main goals of my efforts when coming onboard Petroglyph as the CM. I wanted to provide you with a site not only for representation of our games, but representation of your community news and activities as well.

Petrolution and Mytheon Sector have been gracious to provide an avenue for us to continue discussions while we make the final forum transitions this weekend. The forum system has undergone quite a revamp (going from IPB 2.x to 3.x), but not to worry, as your forum psots and just about everything you expect there will remain there when you return.

In the meantime, take a gander at the new site and let us know what you think! We really built up the news section to provide support for more frequent news by all categories, so send us something you want posted! And of course, anything you see that needs further tweaking before we release our press release and contest next week, please let us know as well!

- Berek

TGL Exclusive with Frank Klepacki

10 December 2009 - 07:59 AM

Last week The Gaming Liberty interviewed Petroglyph's Audio Director, Frank Klepacki, about his history in the industry, his creative sources, and something about being able to play the spoons... check it out:

TGL: Your career began when you joined Westwood Studios. How has the gaming Industry changed since you became part of it?

FK: The technology of gaming changed so rapidly,
that it was like new doors and possibility opened every year.  Faster
systems, better graphics, and of course better sound.  We went from
beep and blips to symphonys and cd quality music.

Head on over to The Gaming Liberty website to read the rest of the interview, then visit our forums to discuss your favorite soundtracks by Frank.


27 November 2009 - 04:00 AM

Hello members of Petrolution i would like to know what we can do to make things better around here, Be creative say anything even if you think it is stupid we want to know.

Vote for the Prime Minister Here

26 November 2009 - 12:25 AM

New Poll vote!

This is just for fun i will close the poll in 1 week and then in 3 weeks i will open it with different choices.

Ps replying means you will be one to be picked next.