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Member Since 14 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2009 11:39 PM

About Me

About Keromalas


Hmm, where to begin....I guess we should begin at the beginning of my interest in gaming, computers, and more importantly, the Battle for Middle-Earth series.


I became interested in gaming and computers mostly because on my uncle. It's weird but it's not like I asked or anything, he sort of just over the years taught me everything I know about computers and their functions. I became more interested in them when I got to the point where I began experimenting with different sort of features for gaming such as: modding, map making, file making, etc... I got fixed on modding with the popular Roleplaying game, TES IV: Oblivion, released. The game is a mod heaven with well over 100 different mods. I decided to distribute my own talent into this and began testing different things. After a brutal 6 months of head banging on wall tutorials I did release a mod for testing only. It gave new modders a idea of what it was going to take and I made somewhat of a tutorial for them. My map creating intrest though came when I bought BFME1 and was first introduced to the Worldbuilder. I was pretty much set on making some maps, unfortunately, it didn't work out as planned. I know right..can make a mod but can't make a map. Idk, maybe it was all of that work on modding that demoralized me from really getting into map making. Anyhow, I discovered a new way of giving to the map community by learning the basics of Worldbuilder and editing maps for my own use which later would be given to the public. Of course, I gave credit and still do to the original map maker. I guess thats where it began and I still do mod some and put my own touch on some maps.

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