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Member Since 15 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 18 2010 01:28 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Brainstorming

18 November 2010 - 01:25 AM

Alright guys. I'm pretty sure that you're aware of what this mod will be about, and you probably have a slight grasp of the materials we're dealing with.

That in mind, what features, units, historical figures, and concepts would you like to see in the mod? While we've got a good design document in the works, this is your chance to brainstorm for ideas. There's plenty of room to expand and fill in this mod, and personally, I'd love to see what the community is thinking.

So feel free to bounce ideas off of one another, I'll be happy to chronicle your progress :p

I would like to see the main hero for the Spartan's being Leonidas.

In Topic: Isengard Spellbook Ideas

04 November 2010 - 04:12 AM

Well you could add a passive spell book power for Saruman, that would imitate something like Gondor's Gandalf the White Passive Spell,or you could have some kind of summon like a spell that summons a mini army of urks, and wargs.

In Topic: The War in the North?

09 October 2010 - 01:41 AM

Now if any of you have heard of assassin's creed, thats how the game play should be with you able to go anywhere andtime at anyplace. The biggest bumber is no character customization! I mean thats the best part of RPG's being able to give your character a little touch of you in it.
The mage thing I could deal with, but it will most likley be too over used, since when does anyone use the warrior anymore, since when are there true fighters.

In Topic: The Dwarf Holds: What's Next?

09 October 2010 - 01:34 AM

I must say it's about time they had nazgul's on horse and on foot for BFME1, I see your using Saruman's animation for the gondor citadel gaurds? Best thing that you have done for mordor i think is their citadel finally they actually have one instead off some bones and a flag. I have one question though will you be adding any camp walls for any of the evil teams?

In Topic: What is the best game

09 October 2010 - 01:26 AM

BFME 1 is the best, since it had such a great feel to it like we all had the feelign of getting sucked into it right when we played it. Also this game has the best story campain out of the 3 BFME games.