I like this game only for the action that EA's developer made up: the effect with the sword, the fast-kill of the rogues, and the powers... it's a game very elaborate in quality of textures and animation
BUT these can't be all that a game offer...
The campaign can't be named a campaign and you can have more fun playing simple skirmish...
In a simply phrase: it's a very well developed game but it's too simply for real players.
I think that is a game like Battlefront 2 (the developers are the same...): a great game but too boring cause the characters are always the same and the heros playable are only two (BF2: Oby-Wan and Jango Fett; LOTRC: Aragorn and Gandalf).
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Commander Teos
Member Since 03 Sep 2009Offline Last Active Oct 19 2010 03:24 PM
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- Active Posts 7
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- Age 31 years old
- Birthday January 9, 1993
Omegna, Italy
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: S.B.A.B.
19 January 2010 - 03:59 PM
In Topic: Doriath doriath doriath
19 September 2009 - 12:47 PM
In Topic: Heros
09 September 2009 - 01:23 PM
Add gwalir, the king of the eagle, to the elves to destroy the angband dragons?
In Topic: Ideas, improvements, questions and roses.
09 September 2009 - 01:19 PM
Yeah the picture really looks a fake but will do as concept
I find it on internet i don't know if it's a fake...
In Topic: Ideas, improvements, questions and roses.
08 September 2009 - 10:38 AM
If you want a sort of elite Orcish unit, Morgoth, you could try the 'special breed of Orc' that was made to fight Doriath and the Laiquenya. They were basically Uruk-hai prototypes - better armoured, bore broad, long spears, had huge shields of metal etc etc.
Yeah! Something like the Uruk scouts but more powerful... but not an hero orde... they can be with a large oval shield and spear with toggle weapon button.
otherwise great uruks with axes just like the orde that attak theodred at the fords of isen....
like this:
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