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Member Since 08 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2009 08:39 AM

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In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

08 September 2009 - 08:39 AM

hi! i'm not actually new here. i've been playing MO since 2.0 build c. anyways, i'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but could you please add the game mode "tech war"? it's the one in eagle red and i think it's a fun game mode, especially if combined with MO. and as for the country suggestion, i have 2:

I. Allies
1. Country name: Japan
2. Allegiance: Allied
3. Country specific unit proposal - Assault Walker
remember the choppers from the japanese in ra3? it's almost exactly the same. it comes out of the war factory on 2 legs and has good anti-armor capabilities. and just like the hydra cannon because it has anti-personnel chain guns. then, if you deploy it, it becomes an anti-air aerial unit. it can still use its chain gun in the air though.
4. Country speciality - Advanced Technology: unit & aircraft armor +8%, unit & aircraft cost -10%, unit & aircraft speed +10%
5. Veteran units - Rocketeer, I.F.V., Mirage Tank

II. Epsilon
1. Division name: Underminers
2. Main area of activity: The deserts of Saudi Arabia
3. Division specific unit proposal - Devil's Tongue
just like the one in TS but with a little twist: any unit that it runs over, may it be infantry or vehicle, will get "grinded" for money
4. Country specialty - Grinder: grinding +10%, unit attack strength +10%
5. Veteran Units - Magnetron, Gattling Tank, Gattling Warship