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Member Since 06 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 08 2014 08:27 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: "StartHidden" in W3DFloorDraw

08 October 2014 - 08:29 PM

You need to use a SubObjectsUpgrade module to show the W3DFloordraw module - in the ShowSubObjects = field, you specify the name you gave to the W3DFloorDraw module (usually ModuleTag_whatever).

In Topic: Grand Lethal's modding questions

18 May 2014 - 07:18 AM

I've done what you are describing in RoTWK and it's very time consuming, frustrating and there is a lot more work involved than you'd imagine to get those working as they should do. There are all kinds of complications as they were built to support the citadel system as well as the living world concept and this is before you get into the subtle coding nuances between the engines.

So yes it can be done but it will take you literally months if not more. You have to ask yourself if you're willing to stick with it for that long and if that time and effort commitment is going to be worthwhile just so you can play some missions that you can simply load up and play in another game in a couple of minutes.

And of course to get 2 campaigns available at once in RoTWK needs the .apt files editing which is tricky as it will normally rely on you completing one campaign to make the other one available.

In Topic: make new RadiusCursorTemplate

18 May 2014 - 07:11 AM

You've never been able to make a new RadiusCursorTemplate in any of EAs SAGE based games, this is because the games are hard coded to use only the ones that EA have already defined in the relevant INI file.

All you can do is edit an existing one and make use of that and/or any of the others that already exist. I'm pretty sure a couple in BFME2/RoTWK are duplicated anyways so there's at least one that can be freed up and made use of.

Basically all RadiusCursorTemplete = Whatever definitions have to correspond to an internal table.

In Topic: EvaEventLastMemberDeath 'Audio for player only' AudioEvent (voice.ini)

29 November 2013 - 10:20 AM

I'm pretty sure there is a game engine bug related to KinfdOf = HORDE that makes any audio files attached to it play globally regardless of the audio settings. They never addressed it which is why the notes in the INI files point to attaching audio to horde members instead of the horde itself. I never really tried to find a workaround but it may be possible.