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Member Since 14 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2010 02:29 AM

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In Topic: AI doesn't do anything

14 February 2010 - 01:57 AM

Also, as a temporary fix, is there some sort of scripting option to give the AI a level 1 Space Colony upon conquering a planet?

Nothing elegant, I'm afraid. The only certain solution I can think of involves making a trigger for every faction-planet (the product of player factions and planets in the mod). If someone wants to do this, start a topic under Bug Reporting and I'll explain.

I figured there must be some sort of "CONQUER_PLANET" script or trigger or whatever to gift the AI their first level of Space Colony. And voila, I was correct! So as a temporary fix, I will undertake the not-so-pretty mission to do the scripting or whatever upon PR's instruction. (PR: It's been a long time since I've touched a lot of the files for the mod, so pointing out files and such would be a help, too. ^_^ )

For those who might look forward to completion, I can't guarantee any sort of quick release or anything, but I will finish it asap.

My question since i might not know the difference between what my AI is doing compared to others in this situation.
When I play the AI tends to do nothing in the game. They make no movements at all. Is this the same thing everyone else has been noticing?
I do understand the main issue here and my own issue and thought the two might be related, hence a fix for my V1.2 :]

I replied in another post about this.

Still sounds like I may take a look around my xmls and see if I can try this.

Edit: Problem fixed, now if I could just tone down the galactic lag so it doesnt frezze the game 25 + weeks into a conquest, Ive removed the pirates completely from the conquest along with most of the planets ( galaxy far far away conquest).

Wait, so how did you fix the problem?

In Topic: AI doesn't do anything

18 October 2009 - 06:54 PM

I've gotten really far into the GFFA already. Tried the skirmish, they still don't do anything.............

In Topic: AI doesn't do anything

18 October 2009 - 04:43 PM

I did that......AI still isn't doing anything.