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Member Since 31 Oct 2009
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In Topic: SEE ToDo List - Beta 4.7

31 October 2009 - 06:10 PM

Thank you for your answer about Wulf and your opinion.

But I want you to take a look my little analysis from my gameplay
Posted Image

I hilight the term about the amount of unit that those power can kill in 1 usage, size of effective area, required distance to start to use those power.

You can see more word "small" and "short" in Saruman's side. On the other hand, you can see more word "medium" "large" "long" in Gandalf's side.

That lead me to this situation: The army of enemy(like 6 squads of medium unit plus 2 squads of elite unit) is appoarching and I have my wizarad at LV10 already

1. if I have gandalf, I can destroy them in a few breath with his brilliant power such as wizard blast to 1.5 squads of elite unit then Istari light to 0.5 squads of elite unit then there may be 3 persons of elite unit left, so I will use Gandalf's normal attack(slash) to destroy them. Now there are only 6 squads of medium unit left, so I use lightning sword to 3 squads of medium unit. For last 3 squads, I can use his slash or shadow fax tackle them or use my soldiers help him destroy them or use word of power to them. But there is the easiest way: use word of power to those 8 squads at first and it finish immediately.

2. if I have Saruman, I found it is harder : use fire ball to 0.8 squads of elite unit at long range, there should still be 3-4 surviving persons of elite squad that is thrown fire ball to, so I use his normal attack(his stuff) to destroy them then use wormtongue to last elite squad then use wizard blast to 1.5 squads of medium unit and use lightning to 1.3 squads of medium unit, coverted elite squad help me destroy not more than 1 medium squad before they regain their consciousness. Last, there are 1 elite squad and 2.2 medium squads at least left but I use all of his attacking spell already, so the thing that I can do is use his stuff destroy them all or use my soldiers(with his war speech to up them to LV5 or not, it depend on convenience) to help him

So you can see the extreme difference between them: Gandalf can BOOM BOOM BOOM and finish. On the other hand, Saruman is still stuck in "waving his stuff" job. I think it's not elegant for a great wizard and the head of Istari like Saruman.

beside, I saw this board said Gandalf the white>Saruman>Gandalf the grey and difference among them shouldn't be wide. But I can do like I said above when Gandalf is grey. So it seem weird to that logic because Gandalf the grey is stronger than Saruman and Saruman can't compare to both version of Gandalf.

In summary, I have 2 hypothesis about this 1. Saruman is too weak OR 2.Gandalf is too strong And I think we should adjust their power by

Enhance Saruman
- add avalanche to him like I said Before OR
- enlarge size of effective area of his lightning to medium/large area and add avalanche to spell book because you need something to replace those two dragon powers like khamulrulz said(but I don't mind if the dragon will be with isenguard or Smug will be flying unit of isenguard since Saruman seem to be the expert in the old thing of middle earth) OR

Weaken Gandalf
-decrease radius of his word of power

But I think it will be better to enhance Saruman because I think it isn't good principle to devalue good thing from the original(like I said before it is fun to unleash powerful spell by your favorite hero of middle earth).

And someone may think current Saruman is too powerful to add new spell. But I want you to think to witch-king, he has a lot of health & speed on foot, high attack value with meta impact that can kill 3-4 persons in 1 attack, has a fast horse, can ride fellbeast with smack attack, has skill to decrease enemy armor(I can't remember name of this skill), has morgul blade to poison enemy, has scream skill to drive enemy out. I am sure he is stronger than saruman but he has his hour of witch-king eventually because he did it in the movie and it is elegant and suitable for him and balance is still in this game. So I think Saruman need an adjustment to his power, he should have at least a large major spell to catch up with Gandalf.

In Topic: SEE ToDo List - Beta 4.7

31 October 2009 - 11:33 AM

This is my first reply on this board. First of all I want to say thank you to your team for this mod. It's rock!!! I like it very much in all aspect!

To the point, from "Avalanche spell (from RotWK) to SpellBook! (or Saruman)" in Isenguard coding
I think this spell should add to Saruman because
1.When I play bfme (both1&2), I always think "Why does Saruman not have major spell like Gandalf has word of power, though Saruman is the Itstari and great wizard like Gandalf?" It's unfair.
2.I saw many mod solve this by adding red/orange word of power to Saruman. I am pleased moderately. But you may think like "It is repetitious and not movie-liked"(Yes, I read the concept of your mod before :) )
3.When I see "Avalanche spell (from RotWK) to SpellBook! (or Saruman)" on your list, I suddenly think this is the great opportunity to get both fun and movie-liked thing
fun - I think it is fun when you see your favorite hero unleash his powerful skill, and I think many like it too. It's strong point of this game. The legendary men of middle earth should have legendary power.
movie-liked - you should remember Saruman made Avalanche to the fellowship in the fellowship of the ring movie
balance - I think this doesn't probably effect the balance(this is one of the points you concern, right?) because Gandalf has word of power, Witch-king has hour of Witch-king, but there still is balance in this game, right?

So I think this spell should add to Saruman. This may be his LV10 power with long recharge time like any other major spell(word of power, hour of Witch-king). And please don't cut Saruman's thunderbolt off (sorry,I can't remember its name :) ) It's my favorite skill of Saruman too and he can call thunderbolt in the fellowship of the ring movie :p

PS. And in this beta I hope I can see the full power of hour of witch-king(I like him too ;) ). I read bug thread and it said this power can't kill anyone in beta4.5 because of bug. When I play beta4.5, I found it's true!

From "Change Wulf model into "Rhudaur Spearman" model (from RotWK)" in the list, What is this Walf unit? I can't remmeber it and don't know where to find data of this unit in this board(I search in many forum and subforum before) Can you tell me?

Naz,I don't do anything wrong in your using board rule,right? If I'm wrong,I'm sorry! It's my first reply.