I'm using the Steam platform to play RA3, and I've just started on this CnC Online part. The confussing, frustrating thing is that when I try to install the launcher, it pops up with a small message telling me the following:
"Could not write value Debugger to key \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\generals.exe. Verify that you have sufficient acces to that key, or contact your support personnel."
It first confuses me, then thereafter it replaces the "generals.exe" with "CNC3.exe" when I click Ignore, then "CNC3EP1.exe" and at last, "RA3.exe".
I tried to ignore them all, but when I try hooking to Red Alert 3, it won't hook, and it tells me it can't find the game.
EDIT 21-05-16: Thanks for the reply, I finally got it working and I got it hooked for my Red Alert 3. Magnificent!