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Member Since 24 May 2016
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2023 01:46 AM

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Kane's Wrath no player connection

25 May 2016 - 09:43 PM

I have for some reasons simply no connection to any player in any lobby at all. Maybe a second a signal but nope.

I tried with several ports opened each time. Added to ingame option aswell + refreshing NAT.
UDP Ports: 8088-65535

UDP 16000

Even exposed host option as my router doesn't support dmz.. literally opening every port + dissabling my router firewall for this pc.

Checked Windows firewalls aswell, added C&C online launcher. Tried it with and without hook(not sure what it does though)


I know I had connection to the server like half year ago with my old crabby internet which was a simple LTE internet stick connected to a router. ( Easybox 703a ) This one had even harder port forwarding issues...


My current internet is from Kabel Deutschland(germany) - Fritz!box 6490 Bable (kdg) - DSL connection down 26,5Mbit/s -up  1,1Mbit/s - Usually game pings around 40 and hardly ever connection problems anywhere.


Normal retail CD C&C3 Tiberium wars with newest patch + Kane's Wrath with 1.02.
Windows 7 Professional 64

NATNegTest Result says I don't even need to portforward.. http://puu.sh/p56ON/749da75789.png

Wondering if I'm missing something now.. So far only found 2 person  with who I had a connection in a lobbyotherwise nope.