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Member Since 29 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2011 01:44 PM

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What makes this mod run so slow?

07 September 2011 - 12:12 PM

Hello everyone! I just recently got back into Empire at War, so I re-downloaded this mod as well give thrawn's revenge a try. I think both modes are great thought this one has far better art quality. My favorite expanded universe ship, the Dreadnaught-class looks so much better on this mod. But one thing I noticed in that mod, their new galactic maps are as big as the one in this mod, and they have several factions on the map in some campaigns, but without lag that this mod has. So what causes the lag in this mod? Also wanted to let people know I trick I've found to help the mod run faster, make the FoC exe large address aware, however this only works if have more than 2gb ram and a 64bit system.