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Member Since 27 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 29 2010 05:06 PM

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In Topic: Mutliplayer problem

12 July 2010 - 06:40 PM

yeah it does that sometimes. generals online does work with contra but nevertheless it's one of the most buggiest things ive ever encountered. shame to EA since generals was / is such a good game, sucks that it has to be so buggy x.x

In Topic: game has detected a mismatch

12 July 2010 - 06:38 PM

yeah mismatches are retarded. try to keep the number of playing AIs low to avoid them, but that's hard to do when you're the only one playing with a friend.

In Topic: How to edit superweapons / specialweapons in ZH

28 January 2010 - 12:56 AM

YES! Thank you I got it to work! All I did was this.

In Weapon.ini I created a new weapon like-so.

Weapon CarpetBombSWGWeapon
PrimaryDamage = 2500.0
PrimaryDamageRadius = 150.0
SecondaryDamage = 500.0
SecondaryDamageRadius = 200.0
AttackRange = 100.0
FireFX = WeaponFX_MOAB_Blast
DamageType = EXPLOSION
DeathType = EXTRA_5 ;gib
WeaponSpeed = 99999.0
ProjectileObject = NONE
DelayBetweenShots = 0
ClipSize = 1
ClipReloadTime = 0
AutoReloadsClip = No
ShockWaveAmount = 250.0
ShockWaveRadius = 200.0
ShockWaveTaperOff = 0.33

In WeaponObjects.ini I added a new behavior for Object CarpetBomb (which corresponds to ALL USA carpet bombs except for airforce's in my case. he uses cluster carpet bombing)

Behavior = FireWeaponWhenDeadBehavior ModuleTag_Bomb01
DeathTypes = ALL -LASERED
DeathWeapon = CarpetBombSWGWeapon
StartsActive = Yes

In ObjectCreationList.ini I edited / added a new addition to the superweapon general's carpet bombing. NOTE THAT the payload corresponds to the object in weaponobject.ini and that object is the bomb itself and NOT the actual damaging weapon. the bomb's death is the explosion and damage in WeaponObject.ini. My error is trying to edit the Payload to the actualy weapon in weapon.ini. In reality it is trying to create an object that does not exist. If i added an Object CarpetBombWeaponSWG to WeaponObject.ini then it would work. ALSO not that some of the object being created is in SpecialWeaponsObjects.ini. For example Object AmericaJetB3.

ObjectCreationList SUPERWEAPON_CarpetBombSWG3
Transport = AmericaJetB3
FormationSize = 5 ; 3
FormationSpacing = 100.0
StartAtPreferredHeight = Yes
StartAtMaxSpeed = Yes
MaxAttempts = 1
DropOffset = X:0 Y:0 Z:-2
DropVariance = X:30 Y:40 Z:0
DropDelay = 500
Payload = CarpetBomb 12 ; 6
DeliveryDistance = 500 ; 350
DeliveryDecalRadius = 400 ; 200
Texture = SCCCarpBomb
OpacityMin = 25%
OpacityMax = 50%
OpacityThrobTime = 500
Color = R:255 G:0 B:0 A:255
OnlyVisibleToOwningPlayer = Yes

In Topic: How to edit superweapons / specialweapons in ZH

26 January 2010 - 11:58 PM

Have you gotten sucess yet? If not i just arrived and i'll try to see this for you :)

Nope. Still no luck. I've practically looked in every .ini file that I could think of that would store the particular data. Found nothing relating how to change the bomb explosion. *Sigh* Modding is a long process, no? Thanks again for helping me. It is much appreciated!

In Topic: How to edit superweapons / specialweapons in ZH

16 January 2010 - 07:45 PM

OK thanks. I will keep trying in the meantime to find a solution to my problem(s). Again I appreciate your help and assistance.