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Member Since 05 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2010 07:36 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Putting Out Fire.

14 January 2010 - 07:36 PM

That just happened to me in Dol Guldur i think. I think i actually started the fire my self, i had elven archers shooting at some orcs and BAM! Fire everywhere. I guess it's because of the new archer system sometimes they iss and the arrows hit the ground starting a fire...

In Topic: Resource structure plots

09 January 2010 - 03:54 PM

I like this idea ALOT! But i guess it's not that bad as it is, maybe make the workers attackable or something.

In Topic: Spearmen/Pikemen/Phalanx

07 January 2010 - 10:41 PM

i think while some pikemen have porcupine formation, the ones with shields (like gondor spearmen) could do that formation

I think the porcupine wastes way too many spears in the back of the formation, may be you can include both of them with downsides and advantages for each one

In Topic: Unit Upgrades

06 January 2010 - 08:02 PM

As for upgrades, i'd like to see some battle formation upgrades, like some kind of "shields in front" formation, that prevents arrow and other small projectile from killing your troops (doesnt' protect at 100%, but more like at 90%), but it wouldn't let you attack. I know what the shield wall does, but it just isnt enough against archers (IMO). A triangle formation that would boost mounted units charge and crush damage. I had some other ideas but i just forgot, hope you got the idea.

In Topic: Warg Sentry

06 January 2010 - 07:50 PM

I also like that idea, though i think the "pit" should be remodeled into some kind of cave instead of that bone "picket fence" and i think it should be named "Warg Den". And the wargs should be those cool Albino wargs that appeared in LOTR: The 3rd Age for PS2.