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Member Since 15 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2017 12:03 PM

Topics I've Started


06 March 2010 - 10:35 AM


When I red about the RC mod it said it shalll include Esgaroth and some other awesome maps, Where are they, Are they dealeted in case of bad quality??

Thanks for reply... :sad:

BTW Edoras would be awesome..

LIVING world

29 January 2010 - 08:00 PM

A request(sorry if it sounds N00Bie but My english s´nt to good, I´m 12)

It would be a more realistic fortress:

Houses, Rising cp with 50, makes you able to build first 3 Hordes. Then you upgrade to get 2 more, House for factions:
Tent (mordor)

Cave (Goblins)

Cave house that they used in isengard in the books... (Isengard)

The same for angmar


Tree house (elves)

? (Dwarwes)

Farm (Rohan)

Farm (Gondor)

House, Re skinned farm (arnor)


How the house will work..

It will replace resource buildings and will give vry low resources, but to compense that all factions fields. A little bit more expensive but better.

All houses gives you standard infantary. A kind of elite house will give you better units...


Maybe you will have civilians walking in your Fortress... :)


Greatnoff :blink:

Dealiting heavy armor...

22 January 2010 - 07:42 PM

Why cant we dealet Heavy amor, or at least reskin them! It looks so UGLY!!!

And the fire arrows, Hided ithilien rangers in a forrest WITH FIRE :)

Forged blades = Jedi´s??

Fixing idea! Adding a darker silver coulor, THEN it would look like something REAL :D

Isengard, MINE?

20 January 2010 - 01:15 PM

as the title says no mines for isengard?? I cant upgrade my siege thing to lv 3!


Game time.. 3.30 seconds

15 January 2010 - 09:19 PM


I´m new to the forums now for a while ago I downloaded athe mod. Or more exatcly could make it work :tongevil:
When I started "skirmish" and I suddneley losing after around 3.30 second. And the enimies dont even got any troops :crazed:

Would be welcome with HELP!!!

GreatNoff :p