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Member Since 19 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2010 07:59 AM

Topics I've Started

NOFX182 mod. Need some advices :-)

19 February 2010 - 06:09 PM

Hi guys !

The first thing that I have to say is ... exscuse me for my english. I'm french.
I came to this forum because it's the best that I've ever seen. After two years, I've decided to register :-)
In France, BFME community is about to die ...

I come here to present you my mod. It's just a new INI file, so it wouldn't be difficult to install :-)
I would want to receive some advices, so that I will be able to make my mod better.
Thank you very much, it will just take a few minutes to play my mod and to tell me back what you think about it.

------------This mod is for BFME2-ROTWK-------------

The most important modifications that I've done are :

- new heroes for Goblins, Mordor, and Elves.
- Saruman and Gandalf are now very powerfull wizards ( new powers, new appearance, and a new primary attack for Saruman, wich is a fireball.)
- Isengard, Mordor, Goblins, and Angmar can't respawn their heroes (except Saruman.) I've done it because those heroes are very powerfull now.
- don't play with Dwarves and Angmar, nothing have changed for those factions. ( I'm working on Dwarves, but Angmar will stay as it is, because I really dislike this faction.)

Sure, There are much new powers added to others heroes ( Elrond, Faramir ... ) but if I write a list, it should be boring to read. I've also changed armors ( some heroes have their own armor ), and many things else.

Thank you very much, I'm waiting for your comments :-) Give me your advice about the cost of heroes, tell me if one faction is too much powerfull, tell me if some heroes are stronger than they should be ... etc

Bye guys !!

The download link : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPY4SOGT