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Member Since 20 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2010 11:40 AM

Topics I've Started

Rate People! As Pokémon!

31 May 2010 - 06:18 AM

Hey there,

i noticed last time there are really no ratings on the articles etc. on the main site. This is just a recollection (if that is the rigth word) for you to rate some articles etc. because lots of authors would like it.

Few examples:

Rads Radiance tutorial

Rads Setting up your MERPG map tutorial

Jordans Ingame test Tutorial

Nazguls Saved game chrash and settings reset bug

Puzzlers Renaming a map tutorial

And alot more. So rate people! Rate!

I am leaving, Man of Gondor

28 April 2010 - 06:24 PM

Hey all,
Ik know that i am not very famous here, and that i am not long around here, but i just wanna say i am leaving the3rdage. I am to busy with my website at the moment. Sorry for that. I always coded BFME2 but i lost my fun in modding. Well, i wish you have a good time here at the3rdage and goodbye.

Man of Gondor

And Ridder Blauw, i am sorry, really :grin:


03 April 2010 - 08:43 PM


Is it Possible to edit a .PAK file?

22 March 2010 - 06:51 AM

Hey, is there a way to open and edit a .pak file?


21 March 2010 - 09:17 PM

Hey Rob, i was just wondering ive there is some progress or update at the moment.