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Member Since 03 Jul 2016
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2024 08:01 PM

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In Topic: Why is this game so hard it becomes infuriating

07 July 2016 - 03:07 PM

I'm starting to get the hang of the game more. Still can't get passed the first mission on easy but whatever. I'm not going to try the missions anymore just gonna piss me off and I never see a reason to play a video game that just instill anger.


The skirmish mode however I'm able to do 3v1 on normal and beat it. I'm starting to see how to defend against certain opponents and what each faction's units are and their special abilities. My main complaint however was that in RA2 the missions taught you how to play the game. They taught you how each unit acts on the battlefield. I like playing missions that slowly increase in difficulty so the last half are very difficult while the first half are very easy and they are more of tutorial missions (even though they're not tutorials per say). 


I am enjoying skirmish and playing a new type of Yuri with my friend online I just hope the devs can make missions that don't just plop you in the middle of a warzone without explaining how any of their new cool vehicles and soldiers work. They spent so much time on developing this mod and I'm just trying to suggest a way for it to be adopted by so many more gamers out there, the casual kind who just like to kill some time :D

In Topic: Why is this game so hard it becomes infuriating

05 July 2016 - 02:11 PM

I appreciate the replies. I didn't think I was going to reply to my thread because I wrote it after I lost the first mission for the 4th time on Easy and couldn't defeat just 1v1 in skirmish ON EASY. 


I really want to like this game. I really do appreciate the work that was put into this, but you are all right I am a casual gamer and play to just kill some time because we all can't study and work all day and sometimes it's raining outside :D.  I just wish this game was more applicable to the everyday RA2 and Yuri players. I love that there's a new version of RA2 with new factions and units and improved gameplay but I can't enjoy a single second of it because it's just too frustrating and too difficult. I liked playing 1v7 Yuri on Brutal it was a challenge and I knew that I could beat it even after multiple tries. With MO it's basically impossible and the developers have alienated a probably significant slice of their potential user base.


It's unfortunate because I would love to learn how to play the game but where's the fun in reading online what each unit can do and studying each unit so you can remember come game time. There's no joy in that, the joy comes from playing through missions that teach you how each unit interacts with other units and how their special ability can be utilized to its full potential. The developers have a great start on this expansion but I don't see it ever being toned down and polished to be enjoyed by the casual gamer, by the gamer who really just wants another RA2 expansion pack.




I must also add that I like to play on a laptop while watching some sports. This game is not meant for that and that's also really unfortunate. Lastly it seems like the missions are meant to have only 1 or a very small number of ways to beat them. The developers made the game knowing exactly how the missions can be beaten and they didn't allow much room for error. If I take my eyes off the screen for 10 seconds to see a replay on television my base is destroyed. I cannot express how disappointed I am because RA2 was my favorite RTS of all time and I cannot stand the 3D like graphics all RTS's are built on now and this expansion would be such a godsend if it could just be modded for casual gamers.