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Member Since 08 May 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2010 02:54 AM

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In Topic: General Chat Thread

29 June 2010 - 02:57 AM

The insurance said we need proof that we had the item that had been stole.
We gave them as many proof that we had and now we are waiting for them to call us.

Anyway , does anyone got blueprint for gundam?

In Topic: General Chat Thread

22 May 2010 - 05:43 PM

Sup guys.
About the strike gundam im working on 3dsmax, it harder than i thought i had to redo the body about 4 time but i think im getting better.
I will try to post the model by the end of next week cause this week got a lot of exam.

In Topic: General Chat Thread

10 May 2010 - 09:12 PM

Just letting you guys know , im going to start modeling the strike today and i will try to update my work as often as I can.

In Topic: General Chat Thread

09 May 2010 - 05:12 PM

that's awesome!

You don't know how badly I am hoping to god you stick around, lol.

i doubt i will finish the RX-78 gundam cause it a gundam seed mod and i already did it once.Now im working on the GAT-X105 Strike gundam using the blueprints that i found on this forum.

Also i check the forum once a day.
I came here to help you guys and i will stick with you till the end.

In Topic: General Chat Thread

08 May 2010 - 07:53 PM

Hello everyone,i heard that you need modeler for your gundam mod and i got a lot of free time.I'm learning how to model a gundam from this tutorial:http://www.escalight.com/tutorials/3dsmax-tutorials/mecha-modeling-gundam-rx-78-2.html.So far i was able to do the gundam RX-78 body in about an hour.

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I will try my best to help you guys in modeling.