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Member Since 21 May 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2013 12:36 AM

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In Topic: TDH and TEA combined

02 April 2012 - 12:32 AM

And for giving everyone a good laugh, and honestly for all anyone knows Haldir could truly have made something like this (Or be working on it) and just wanted to give everyone a proper laugh to begin with.

In Topic: Confirmed Version 0.75 Bug List

31 March 2012 - 11:26 AM

That should help alot, and also adding a reminder to run the launcher as an Admin might also help, I had a pink arrow issue pop up again and relaunched the game as Admin and it went away.

In Topic: Confirmed Version 0.75 Bug List

30 March 2012 - 05:35 AM

Marvelous idea Njm, fixed my pink issues as well.

In Topic: Confirmed Version 0.75 Bug List

28 March 2012 - 11:17 PM

Are you downloading through Desura?

Desura seems to only give the .55 version even when I click the .75 version "Download On Desura" button instead of the large blue button on the Desura banner.

In Topic: Confirmed Version 0.75 Bug List

28 March 2012 - 04:38 AM

Long since tried that but I'm redling (Blast you slow connection) and am going to give it one last try, at least pink arrows are only annoying not game killing :p

Edit: Still Pink Arrows/Pink loading screen, not sure what other info may be helpful to provide.