Well, from what I noticed is that it only affects the rebels, the empire plays fine. When playing as the empire, its kinda irritating because at the start of a GC the rebels swarm everything with mc80s when all you can build are acclamators and such.That? I got that too... I always thought it was on purpose to allow the game to move faster or something like that.... Not helping the fact is that I always play rebels, so I never noticed it with the empire.
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Master Solus
Member Since 02 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Apr 05 2014 09:16 PM
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- Age 36 years old
- Birthday January 11, 1988
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In Topic: REL - Unofficial PR v1.1.2, Ship Skirmish Pack
07 July 2010 - 06:47 PM
In Topic: REL - Unofficial PR v1.1.2, Ship Skirmish Pack
06 July 2010 - 06:57 PM
Yup, just checked, Story_MP_Fix is there, and I am running v1.1 with just the Unofficial PR v1.1.2 files added in, nothing else. Did this problem happen to anyone else or am i the only one?Gah, everything's going wrong.
Sounds like something's up with the lock scripting. Do you have Story_MP_Fix.xml in the XML folder?
In Topic: REL - Unofficial PR v1.1.2, Ship Skirmish Pack
06 July 2010 - 05:28 AM
Hey all, I have found a problem that comes about after installing this patch. In single player, on every galactic conquest map, the rebs start out able to build max tech space units everywhere, which they can build in addition to the appropriate tech units. I tracked this problem down and found that the addition of Multiplayer_Units.xml in GameObjectFiles is to blame, as it is somehow adding in the fully teched multiplayer tree in the single player game. Only the rebels have this problem. When i remove that line from the file, they can no longer build the uber high tech units at the immediate start of the game, but it somehow removes the research facility build option as well. Im currently lost as to fix this, so I thought you guys might want to look into it as it is annoying to have full tech rebel independences decimating everything at the start of the Galactic Conquest. By the way, excellent mod, you guys do some awesome work.
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