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Member Since 09 Jul 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 26 2022 11:40 PM

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In Topic: Mismatch and Crash reports

09 July 2016 - 08:36 PM

Greetings good people, I want to ask you something about Zero Hour Generals ,more precisely, it is about Remix Beta0.90.1 Public , mod Remix Beta 0.90.1 Public, nice and works perfectly, but there is one small problem. During the game, on any map was on the official maps or Unofical maps, one of the enemy to put GLA, USA , China > They do not build, do not make the defense do not make tanks, helicopters, planes,do not make your army to attack the real super weapons such as nuclear missiles silo,scud storm particle canon or somtig elese...

     Why I would ask you, what am I supposed to change in the files that I was going on, that's not really happening? I noticed with my own eyes saw the computer on you making regular barracks and a regular infantry.
Do I have somewhere in your mod files somewhere or do something your change? Please tell me,what exactly am I supposed to do to a computer (the enemy) continues to build ?And the right of defense and tanks, a strong army, and so on, and if I leave it computer very heavy that is non-attitudes to be more easily bet to be hard computer.
So you ask for this help, many thanks in advance! Our


this: https://forums.revor...remix-installs/ might help