Have now played Contra008FINAL extensively. What an awesome mod! Absolutely fantastic. You should be immensely proud of yourselves.
One question though: is there a possibility to get a translation of what the various chinese troop types are saying when talking? I'm really interested in getting to know the meaning of the sentences and words. Thanks.
Is there a possible future version of Contra where the Russian army will be included? That would be awesome! Regards, Erik.
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Member Since 23 Jul 2010Offline Last Active Jul 16 2015 02:55 PM
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IT Teacher from Sweden. MY interests: my girfriend, my pen&paper roleplaying games, and finally C&CGZH mods (Contra!).
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- Birthday February 23, 1964
Pen and paper roleplaying games, Computer games, My girlfriend, sex.
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In Topic: Contra 008 Progress
16 July 2015 - 03:00 PM
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