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Cobra Kane

Member Since 11 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2014 03:12 AM

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In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

11 August 2010 - 06:23 PM

Ok, this is my 1st post so here we go...

1) Country Name: Argentina
2) Allegiance: Allied
3) Special Unit - Toro Assault Vehicle (T.A.V): Good vs Infantry & Buildings. Weak Against Armor. The T.A.V is a fast, light armored vehicle that uses a dual Heat Cannon (Similar to the one that uses the Mirage Tank) to eliminate infantry and destroy buildings pretty quick, however, this weapon deals almost no damage to armored targets.
4) Country Speciality - Risky Mechanics : Vehicles +5% Dmg , + 10% Speed , -5% Cost , -15% Armor.
5) Veteran Units : Guardian G.I, I.F.V, Mirage Tank.

I posted this country because there is no other South America Country in the Mod. And Since one of EpsilonĀ“s Division is on Artartica, The Argentinians are the best to fight them (because they are pretty close compared to other countries).

Well I hope you like it and good luck ^^.

P.S: Sorry for the misspelling :p