I'll start off by saying that I've always wanted A-10s that were commandable and able to be built at airfields, but thats just me.
For Air Force general I think that the planes should go a bit faster but slower reload for compensation.
Get rid of the commanche and replace with Apache with heavier macine gun and rockets with upgardable pods.
individual upgrade with either flechette darts for infantry or AP rockets for tanks?
Replace MCV with something like the aussie ASLAV http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASLAV
Support helicopter OH-58 Kiowa? http://en.wikipedia....iki/OH-58_Kiowa
Bring back the AC150 or AC130. I just love that guys attitude, 'Away we go' 'Death from above'
Great game, maybe I should play online
Member Since 15 Aug 2010Offline Last Active Aug 24 2010 06:28 AM