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Member Since 19 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2012 09:42 AM

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In Topic: arabic voices

25 August 2010 - 08:23 PM

My complete file ، Sounds of the Persian generals zero , I sent an email to Mr. Andrey
you need to do is link here؟

I recieved your letter. But there was no download link there.

50% persian and 50% arabic

Maybe. But first of all, I need quality sounds. Usual phone speech will not fit.

A friend request
Please remove terrorists and chemical from Iran

There is no Iran in the game. There is fictional "Liberation Army", which consists of mercenaries and volunteers from different countries. And by the way, I can make terrorists and chemical troopers to speak Arabic and others to speak Persian.


Thanks for the comments
I say if the Iran army you want to add to the contra ، Iran not trrorist and chemical ....

link: Sounds Persian

76.7 Mb


Company Product: AFM RAYAN

In Topic: arabic voices

25 August 2010 - 10:37 AM

A friend request
Please remove terrorists and chemical from Iran
Terror (and use of weapons of mass destruction) in our religion is Crime
These plots the U.S. ، For Colonization
Iran is strongly opposed to terrorism
We are victims of terrorism and war and attacks chemical Iraq (war September 1980 to August 1988 )

Long Live Peace and Friendship

In Topic: Fixes and announcements.

24 August 2010 - 09:08 PM

I sound Chinese and Farsi( persian ) and Russian game zh
I can help you :p

Iranian team to play add
and Continue the story game

Good luck

i need some persian sound 4 buggies , s60 flak gun , command center
ps: do u have facebook or msn ?

All voices speak English to Farsi is available...(generals zero)
If you want to upload it all to you

For example, the sound :GLA Infantry Worker

and sound :Command Center GLA Select

Links Download: 3.8 mb
http://war-armageddo.....d Effects.rar

This example: also translated Persian course incomplete (C&C Generals Zero)
http://war-armageddo..... language.rar

I will be happy if I can help

Any help and information about Armies Iran want it
I'll help

In my country, Facebook is a filter :sad:
Google talk and Yahoo! Messenger only is available

Sorry my English is not too good

Good luck :rolleyes:

try skype or icq or msn


I've installed: installed:Live Messenger



In Topic: arabic voices

24 August 2010 - 09:03 PM

My complete file ، Sounds of the Persian generals zero , I sent an email to Mr. Andrey
you need to do is link here؟

In Topic: Remix Escalation Beta 0.75 released

20 August 2010 - 11:03 PM

Downloadable from here

(CNC guild link holds the latest version at the moment)

Check out the change log in the main forum or read the readme for more details!

Why only three AI team ???????!!!!!
Please, please fix it

I am looking forward to when all the teams have AI
Faster please

It is really mod good :thumbsupsmiley: