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Member Since 24 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 08 2024 10:30 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Commandos 2: Destination Paris - Official Discussion

06 November 2024 - 05:13 PM

Commandos 2 Destination Paris 2.7 has been released!

1:  Install the original game commandos 2 men of courage
2:  Install 2.0 in same folder:
alternative link:
3: Install 2.1 update in same folder: 
4: Install 2.2 update in same folder:
5: Install 2.3 update in same folder:
6: Install 2.4 update in same folder:
7: Install 2.5 update in same folder:
8: Install 2.6 update in same folder:
9: Install 2.7 in same folder:
In case you have issues to play in full screen and you have windows 10 You can try running the file 安装Win10全屏补丁in your directory of the game. 
Other interesting stuff:
Facebook group, a god choice to find new players:
Revora foum:
Information about Comm2P.exe:
Is a modified version of comm2.exe you can find it in the directory of 2.0, it have some improves like resolution screen, use harpoon in land or show enemies alive pressing F6. The missions with 2P in the list need the 2p version for run.
Unfortunetely some antvirus software keep blocking the 2p version and the creator says isn´t a virus but we dont know how to fix this problem. Anyway you can keep running comm2.exe or debug version as always.


In Topic: How to load Das Boot Map for editing like a clear Das Boot MAP. (I use Comman...

24 June 2024 - 04:58 PM

The tutorials are good, you are doing some mistake. FInd me in facebook as eloy riptor

Extrano do you have facebook or any other app I want to talk to you.

In Topic: Changing Enemy's Action/Position | Alarm and Commando Hostage

24 June 2024 - 04:57 PM

Step by step, you didnt even manage to do normal enemies and create empty map mission. You can join here and post questions




I am the owner of this group, eloy riptor

In Topic: Changing Enemy's Action/Position | Alarm and Commando Hostage

23 June 2024 - 05:16 PM

An important thing in .gsc file:


Delete SALIR_DEL_SITIO ATENDER_CADAVERES If you want the enemy dont move when he watch dead body, cigs or wine
In .mis, to make commandos prisoner:
Inside of                             ComporUsuario 
                            [ :
                                .EMPIEZA_ATADO  1.0 = tied ( cant move him, and enemies dont attack until beeing rescued )
                                .EMPIEZA_INTERACTUABLE  1.0  ( you can select the commando before beeing rescued, If 0 no )
                                .EVENTO_AL_INTERACTUAR LICM ( the name of the event after rescue him

In Topic: Changing Enemy's Action/Position | Alarm and Commando Hostage

23 June 2024 - 05:10 PM

For a begginer I suggest to edit actions in .MIS. You can copy the code of a walking enemy and edit coordinates. For example in DATA/MISIONES/SB/SB.MIS The .TOKEN ALEfusgordo120



Code down = walking


                                                        .MODO ANDANDO 
                                                            -1308.0 -1660.0 0
                                                        .ESC EXTERIOR 
code down = wait
                                                        .TIEMPO 300.0 
code down = rotate to180º
                                                        .ANGULO 180.0
For advanced actions is better use .gsc file I add and example down:
                    .NOMBRE SOLDIER_001
                        BICHO SOLDIER_001
                    .SIMPLE  1.0 
                        ! : LOOP 
                        ! IRAPOS 
                           283,0  -1205,9  0,00 EXTERIOR
                        )NORMAL ANDANDO 
                        ! SET_ANGULO 180
                        ! ESPERAR_TIEMPO  300
                        ! IRAPOS 
                           283,0  -1205,9  0,00 EXTERIOR
                        )NORMAL ANDANDO 
                        ! SET_ANGULO 180
                        ! ESPERAR_TIEMPO  300
                        ! GOTO LOOP 
                    .NOMBRE 2SOLDIER_001
                        BICHO SOLDIER_001
                    .SIMPLE  1.0 
                        ! IRAPOS 
                           283,0  -1205,9  0,00 EXTERIOR
                        )NORMAL ANDANDO 
                        ! SET_ANGULO 180
                        ! DISPARA_MATA COMANDO
                        ! ESPERAR_INFINITO
                    ! LANZAR_SCRIPT SOLDIER_001
                    ! ESPERAR_CONDICION 
                        EVENTO ALAM
                    ! LANZAR_SCRIPT 2SOLDIER_001
In upper example NAME_EXAMPLE is the name of this code.
soldier_001 is the name of the soldier
Inside of .SCripts .NOMBRE SOLDIER_001 must match with  ! LANZAR_SCRIPT SOLDIER_001
Inside of .MIEMBROS all soldiers name must appear.
ALAM is the name of the event of alarm.
soldier_001 will do script  SOLDIER_001. He goes to a coordinate, look at angle, wait,  goes to a coordinate, look at angle, wait, repeat.
If ALAM he does 2SOLDIER_001; Goes to coordinate, look at angle, kill comando ( Green beret )
If you want add different actions I suggest to search soldiers doing the action you want to add and copy from other missions. now I will add some common actions code:
                        ! SET_ESTADO_LOGICO ARRODILLADO = stand down ( middle position )
                        ! SET_ESTADO_LOGICO AGACHADO = stand down ( full )
                        ! : LOOP = start loop
                        ! ESPERAR_TIEMPO 200 = wait
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA FUMAR_PRINCIPIO = start smoking
                        ! PON_ANIM_COSTUMBRISTA 800.0 FUMAR_MITAD = smoking 800 time
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA FUMAR_FINAL = end smoking
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA ECHAR_CHARLA = animation moving arm
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA HABLAR_1 = speak
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA HABLAR_2 = speak
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA HABLAR_3 = speak
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA HABLAR_4 = speak
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA HABLAR_5 = speak
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA BEBER_BOTELLA  = drinking
                        ! PON_ANIMSECUENCIA TAMBALEO_BORRACHO = beeing drunk
                        ! PON_ANIM_COSTUMBRISTA 100.0 PERIODICO_A_CICLICA = reading newspaper 
                        ! PONTE_A_ESCANEAR = move triangle of vision
                        ! PON_ANIM_COSTUMBRISTA 25.0 PERIODICO_B_CICLICA = reading newspaper 
                        ! DEJA_DE_ESCANEAR  = stop moving triangle of vision
                         ! GOTO LOOP = goes to start of loop
To make ALAM event you must create alarm code in .MIS you have to be sure paste all code I show down ( if it dont exist )
                    .ESC EXTERIOR = the name of the map
                    .ZONA EXTERIOR = the name of the zone
                    .EVENTO ALAM = the name of the event
            .DAR_ALARMA_AL_VER_ALIADO 1 
                        .NOMBRE ALARMA01 
                        .TIEMPO 500
Insideo of .ZONAS ( ):
                    .NOMBRE EXTERIOR = name of zone
                            .ESC EXTERIOR = name of map
                            .ZON EXTERIOR = name of zone
Inside of .ZONASFLOTANTES ( ):
                .NOMBRE EXTERIOR = name of zone
                .ESCENARIO EXTERIOR = name of map
                .TODO_EL_ESCENARIO 1
I think that is all. oh, and never copy = """""""" it is not the code, it is my explanation