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Member Since 27 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 14 2010 08:12 AM

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In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

09 September 2010 - 09:04 PM

Countries require a maximum of 3 units as well. Also, it sounds a bit unbalanced to have veteran GC's.

I 'm agree with you so I changed them. Sorry for mistakes, i was just too busy.

Here are new ones:

Country : Italy (Can't think of a better country for now)

Alliegiance : Allied

Country spesfic unit prospal :

Name : Disruptor tank (Or ship?)

Armor : Low

Firepower : Disables enemy vechiles or buildings with an ion beam (like magnetron's beam) while not moving. If used on a reactor, the player's power shuts down.

Country speciality : Intelligence :

Skirmish menu description : Italy uses distrubitor tanks and uses advanced systems.(How about it?)

Requires : Nothing

Effect : Unit range, LOS and attack speed +%15 (because of adding attack speed)

Veteran units : Battle Fortress(or Tanya :thumbsupsmiley: ), Chrono Prison(Maybe Defender), Dolphin

In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

05 September 2010 - 03:56 PM

Country : Italy

Alliegiance : Allied

Country spesfic unit prospal : Look down! :thumbsupsmiley:

Name : Distrubitor tank

Armor : Low

Firepower : Disables enemy vechiles or buildings with an ion beam (like magnetron's beam) while not moving. If used on a reactor, the player losts reactor's power. When attacked power plant 250, tesla reactor 150 etc.

Country speciality : Intelligence : Look down! :lol:

Skirmish menu description : Italy uses distrubitor tanks and can look and detect better.

Requires : NaN but Tech center for LOOK

Effect : Unit range and LOS +%20, can see behind the illusions and gaps for 3 seconds when LOOK ability used.

Veteran units : Battle Fortress, Grand Cannon

In Topic: What would you like to see in 3.0?

27 August 2010 - 04:07 PM

I thought some things about it.

Like in the soviet mission that gives you boris and 4 iron dragoons to capture the chinese miltary building, We built coal plants. Or solar plants in the another mission I think.Or a newer idea that hydroelectric plants.

All of spies are bugged. They can't enter none of buildings, I can give the command but it enters and exits. No infilitrates . Please fix it.

Support airpad has no LOS when built.

Adding "Unholy Alliance" to skirmish.

Soviet AI has no air defense.

Think of 3rd Superweapon. (??)

Longer "Power Off-Line" when infilitrated Nuclear Reactor, garrisoned Bio chamber and Coal-Solar Plants(if you add)