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Member Since 05 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2010 08:16 PM

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In Topic: arabic voices

05 September 2010 - 06:04 AM


I can help with that! I'm a native Arabic speaker and my English is as good as a native speaker's too (I got 632/677 in a TOEFL, two years ago) not to mention that my throat is versatile; I can make thick or thin voices alike.

Although I can't do any voice-editing using certain software -like making my voice sound like it's being sent via a walkie talkie- but I'm assuming that you can do that instead. I already have a good mic, if I need anything else, please let me know.

If you wish to consider me as a part of your team, I will gladly assist you in improving Contra any way I can. Here's my address: nar619@hotmail.com

Also, if you need an Arabic translator, I can do that too. I can probably translate everything in Generals: Zero Hour in 2-3 hours, maybe less. (That includes unit names and info, building names and info, general promotion names and info, main menu, options menu, and pretty much everything else.)

Thank you in advance,
