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Member Since 06 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2010 12:53 PM

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In Topic: What would you like to see in 3.0?

07 September 2010 - 12:53 PM

Version 1.

1. Build an expander.
2. Build a nuclear reactor, hold it at 99%.
3. Move expander near enemy base.
4 Deploy and receive build space instantly
5. Deploy nuclear reactor.
6. No ??? needed. Profit.

Version 2.

1. Build an expander.
2. Build a war factory, hold it at 99%.
3. Build a Centurion, hold it at 99%.
4. Move expander near enemy base.
5. Deploy and receive build space instantly.
6. Deploy war factory.
7. Deploy the Centurion.
8. No ??? needed. Profit.

Version 3.

1. Build an expander.
2. Build a war factory, hold it at 99%.
3. Build a demo truck, hold it at 99%.
4. Move expander near enemy base.
5. Deploy and receive build space instantly.
6. Deploy war factory.
7. Deploy the demo truck.
8. No ??? needed. Profit.

Version 4.

1. Build an expander.
2. Deploy it near enemy base.

I don't like the sound of any of those strategies. Even if one says that player should watch out for expanders coming nearby. Compared to MCV, user will not care that much about expanders if he loses them during an attempt to basewalk or execute any of those strategies.

i am always used to getting expanders in the early game for more income in red alert 3. well, now i get the instability in mental omega. thanks. and when will MO 3.0 be out? i am getting a weeee little bit impatient. i am still playing MO 2.0 currently, got abit bored.

In Topic: What would you like to see in 3.0?

06 September 2010 - 05:18 PM

Hey, can base expansion possible for all countries? base expansion is important in the game, but since buildings can no longer be built beside tech structures in mental omega and building a new MCV is costly, plus sometimes its impossible to re-deploy the MCV in missions,so is there units like for example, soviet, sputnik, to expand base for resources and defence? ;)

Expanders are imbalanced in YR and they would be even more in MO. Also, since buidup time control feature was suspended in Ares I will not implement them.

thanks for the info. what is the buildup time control feature u are referring to? sorry, im modding unsavvy.

In Topic: What would you like to see in 3.0?

06 September 2010 - 04:01 AM

Hey, can base expansion possible for all countries? base expansion is important in the game, but since buildings can no longer be built beside tech structures in mental omega and building a new MCV is costly, plus sometimes its impossible to re-deploy the MCV in missions,so is there units like for example, soviet, sputnik, to expand base for resources and defence? :thumbsupsmiley: