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Member Since 25 Dec 2004
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In Topic: ZH - moving infantry, script how to.

29 December 2004 - 11:01 AM

I found out why they were not moving out.
You can't execute per second for some reason. Only per frame.
I don't know why.
I tested if the team existed, and if it did, it moved out as an advanced party. But the script *has* to evaluate per frame. Not per second.

In Topic: ZH - moving infantry, script how to.

29 December 2004 - 07:44 AM

However, the "SkirmishWorld" and "CombatZone" issue remains.
Is there a way of "saving a modified/new script the WRONG way"?

In Topic: ZH - moving infantry, script how to.

28 December 2004 - 07:11 PM

Oh man.
All I did was modifying
[USA Tech Buildings]Tech Building Capture Orders
from this:
*** IF ***
*** THEN ***
  Have Team '<This Team>' use Attack priority set 'USA Tech Building Priority'.
   Team '<This Team>' will move towards the nearest 'Tech Buildings' within  area 'CombatZone'
   Player '<This Player>' 's Team '<This Team>' all wait until Ability 'Command_AmericaRangerCaptureBuilding' is ready.
   Team '<This Team>' begins hunting using Ability 'Command_AmericaRangerCaptureBuilding'.
to this:
*** IF ***
*** THEN ***
  Have Team '<This Team>' use Attack priority set 'USA Tech Building Priority'.
  Show debug string and pause: String: 'Rangers moving now!'
  [???] Team '<This Team>' will move towards the nearest 'Tech Buildings' within  area 'CombatZone'
   Player '<This Player>' 's Team '<This Team>' all wait until Ability 'Command_AmericaRangerCaptureBuilding' is ready.
   Team '<This Team>' begins hunting using Ability 'Command_AmericaRangerCaptureBuilding'.
So I only inserted the pause/message command. Nothng more.
And saving, and running the game. Both me and the skirmish team has been defeated after 5 seconds.
What's going on?

*** EDIT ***
Found it. Importing script messes stuff up. I've downloaded a fixed script from somwhere.

In Topic: ZH - moving infantry, script how to.

28 December 2004 - 06:42 PM

I don't want to capture yet. I just want my standard ranger to move out to towards the tech building first. To fight for it if needed.

Now this bloody editor is weird. I've loaded the original script that came with the game, and inserted a "message/pause" to see if the rangers move out first in the original game. But when I start up the game, I receive 5 seconds later "you have been defeated". And the Skirmish enemy has been defeated too!

This CNC ZH editing seems whack to me. Jolly frustrating.