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Hammer Time
Member Since 07 Jan 2005Offline Last Active Jan 21 2005 09:38 PM
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- Active Posts 7
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Topics I've Started
21 January 2005 - 09:36 PM
When the principals of range are brought into play does that include upwards as well or does everything fly 'within' the range of all weapons capable of firing on aircraft?
Map Issue
17 January 2005 - 12:08 AM
Out of the 3 choices below, which one is most often responsible for causing hesitation/momentary freeze/lag during gameplay in a Skirmish game?
A - Map size
B - Amount of structures (buildings, decorative items, etc)
C - number of opponents
A - Map size
B - Amount of structures (buildings, decorative items, etc)
C - number of opponents
A moment of silence
15 January 2005 - 08:28 PM
I'm trying to locate the sound file (if there is one) for the silence between music tracks during the game, or is that controlled in the Skirmish.scb?
Hi Cammy
Hi Cammy
Loading Image
14 January 2005 - 01:04 AM
When ZH mods first begin to load, there is a small image, somewhere around 500x300 (size might vary) that appears. Does anyone know what particular file name this image uses?
12 January 2005 - 09:47 PM
Which ini file handles the color options?
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