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Member Since 29 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2013 07:29 PM

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In Topic: How to have an ALL AI battle + Super Fast Game Speed, etc.

07 April 2013 - 03:15 PM

Same thing and yes I have win 7 64, but it is all the same even when I install the game in my main dir not my slave dir. I still get the same thing. I am going to try my girlfriends computer that has XP still on it. I even used compatibility mode and ran it as admin and in xp SP3 still the same. 


Edit: same with that computer as well. Very odd, but at least on that computer the warning read what CPU I am using.

In Topic: How to have an ALL AI battle + Super Fast Game Speed, etc.

07 April 2013 - 02:31 PM

Well I uninstalled the game and reinstalled and still the same and same with the warnings as well. Don't know why the game is being ran with no mods running or the CD key working. That is totally bizarre. Also there is no other mods running on the game, the game is updated to 1.20 and I even tried it before I updated it. Still the same, this is all very weird.

In Topic: How to have an ALL AI battle + Super Fast Game Speed, etc.

07 April 2013 - 03:30 AM

I know this thread is old but I am getting back into my roots after play DW2 and the game Space marine. So I would like to figure this out. I did what everything you have said thudo and still nothing works. This is one of my warning texts from the log files:



-- Log file for all dbTracef messages --
MATHBOX -- Version=5, Cpu=unknown:f=6,m=12, Mode=SSE
FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\english\Data'
GAME -- Warning: Failed to map folder 'Engine\Locale\english\Data'.
GAME -- Warhammer, 1.11, Build 95990
GAME -- Available memory: 10231MB RAM, 20410MB Pagefile
State::State - set socket send buffer to 131072
State::State - set socket receive buffer to 131072
HostState - /
Session : Now Host
Session : We are now a Host
PeerState - /
PeerState::ConnectCallbackHost - connecting to host at
GSTransport::Connect - GT2AddressError
SPOOGE - Driver[Dx9 : Hardware TnL] on adapter[0], version[4,32]
SPDx9 -- Driver Name = nvd3dum.dll  Device = \\.\DISPLAY1  Desc = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570
SPDx9 -- Driver Vendor = 0x10DE  Device = 0x1086  SubSys = 0x15793842  Rev = 0x00A1
SPDx9 -- Driver Version  Product = 0x0009  Version = 0x0012  SubVersion = 0x000D  Build = 0x058E (1422)
SPDx9 -- Driver GUID = {D7B71E3E-53C6-11CF-7C5E-74351CC2C435}
SPOOGE -- 4029.00MB available texture memory
SPOOGE -- 4029.00MB available texture memory
GAME -- Beginning FE
FE -- Loading front end.
FE -- Cursor hidden.
GAME -- Unable to load the DLL for MOD 'dxp2' -- please use the matching executable!
MOD -- Initializing Mod dxp2, 1.0
MOD -- Warning: Failed to load archive 'W40k\W40kDataGOTY.sga'
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Locale\english\Data'.
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Shared_Textures\Full'.
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Sound\Full'.
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Music'.
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'DXP2\Data_Whm\High'.
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Locale\english\Data'.
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Shared_Textures\Full'.
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Sound\Full'.
MOD -- Warning: Failed to open folder 'W40k\Data_Whm\High'.
GAME -- Using player profile ezekeil
AppRegistry::GetValue - Failed to read valueName CDKEY
Skirmish - loading badge 'guard_race/Cadian101' for player (0)
Skirmish - loading banner 'guard_race/Cadian101' for player (0)
Skirmish - loading badge 'tau_race/Tau' for player (1)
Skirmish - loading banner 'tau_race/Sacea' for player (1)
Skirmish - loading badge 'guard_race/Cadian412' for player (2)
Skirmish - loading banner 'guard_race/Cadian412' for player (2)
Skirmish - loading badge 'space_marine_race/ravenguard' for player (3)
Skirmish - loading banner 'space_marine_race/RavenGuard' for player (3)
APP -- Game Start
GAME -- Ending FE
GAME -- Shutdown play
GAME -- Beginning skirmish mission '4P_MOUNTAIN_TRAIL' (3 Computers)
GFx -- loading file DATA:ART\UI\SWF\FontBody.gfx
GAME -- Recording game
GAME -- Initializing sync checking...
GAME -- Initializing FX Manager...
GAME -- Initializing Rendering Systems...
GAME -- Initializing NISLets...
GAME -- Initializing World Blueprints...
GAME -- Initializing Scene Graph...
GAME -- Initializing MOD systems...
GAME -- Initializing Session...
GAME -- Initializing Players...
GAME -- Initializing SCAR (Pre-Sim) systems...
MOD -- Loading Win Condition(DATA:Scar/WinConditions/ANNIHILATE.SCAR)
GAME -- Initializing Team Colour Systems...
GAME -- Preloading all models...
GAME -- Applying Team Colours...
GAME -- Initializing UI...
GAME -- Initializing LUA...
GAME -- Initializing SCAR (Post SIM)...
GAME -- Precaching Events...
GAME -- Initializing Sim-Vis Handlers...
GAME -- Initializing music...
GAME -- Initializing AI...
GAME -- Initializing SCAR...
GAME -- Preparing Sim-Vis...
SIM -- Setting SyncErrorChecking level to Low
GAME -- Local player (ezekeil, 0) finished loading (24c4eb73) (9 seconds)
GAME -- Starting mission...
GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
GAME -- Ending mission (?)
GAME -- Resetting SIM...
MOD -- Shutting down Mod 'dxp2'...
SPOOGE -- 4029.00MB available texture memory
SPOOGE -- 4029.00MB available texture memory
I wonder since on the very top it says CPU unknown I wonder if that is the problem, let me know. I have tried everything. Still can't get this to work.