New here. So I tried to login into KW to play multiplayer. Followed the instructions to login, server name, server password etc. But after a few seconds I keep getting a "can't connect to backend server" I tried this for C&C 3 and RA 3 and I get the same message.
I got my games through the C&C ultimate collection. So my games are Origin.
----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Kane's Wrath
Kane's Wrath Install Path: D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\
Started game with: ""D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\CNC3EP1.exe" "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Kane's Wrath. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.
----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Red Alert 3
Red Alert 3 Install Path: D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer Red Alert 3\Red Alert 3\
Started game with: "RA3.exe "D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\CNC3EP1.exe" "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Red Alert 3. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.
----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Kane's Wrath
Kane's Wrath Install Path: D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\
Started game with: ""D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\CNC3EP1.exe" "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Kane's Wrath. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.
----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Kane's Wrath
Kane's Wrath Install Path: D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\
Started game with: ""D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\CNC3EP1.exe" "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Kane's Wrath. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.
----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Red Alert 3
Red Alert 3 Install Path: D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer Red Alert 3\Red Alert 3\
Started game with: "RA3.exe "D:\Origin\Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\CNC3EP1.exe" "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Red Alert 3. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.