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Member Since 06 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2006 04:03 AM

Topics I've Started

Need a concept artist on a space based Naval combat game

01 August 2006 - 02:37 AM

Me and a few others are working on a Spaced based naval combat game set in the far future. Not much is rock solid yet, so any help and or ideas is appreciated. Mainly we need a concept artist and or story writers. If anyone is interested pm, email, or just post in here. Thanks.

Hitler, Good or bad?

30 July 2006 - 12:57 PM

I know from the title, this sounds really bad, because you only look at hitler=guy who killed lots of people. But really, was Hitler a bad thing? I don't really know anymore. It seems that Germany, after WWI was really pissed off at the rest of Europe, putting it bluntly. Germans, being the brilliant engeneers and strong minded patriots they were would inevitably have have re-risen to power to threaten the world once more. It seems that during the key parts of WWII Hitler failed his country. He made some pretty crappy descisions about what to do with his armed forces, that seem to have sealed his, and Germany's fate. Had hitler not have made his bad descisions, or not existed in the first place, what else would have happened? The creators of the Red Alert series seem to think that Germany would not have done anything, and that Soviet Russia would have threatened the free world. Either way, it seems that with Hitler in power, An even larger war might have been avoided. I'm not sure if this is at all plausable, or even possible, so that's why I'm here. I want to see what you all think about this because my history of the complicated relations of the world leading up to WWII is a little rusty.

Source mod?

21 March 2006 - 09:49 PM

Has anyone worked on any source mods before? I could use some help.

Modern Day Camo Colors

09 January 2006 - 11:14 PM

I'm working on some modern day vehicles in a desert camoflauge scheme like the one used in desert storm. Was wondering if anyone knew the exact (or close) RGB colors for the main tan color. Thanks.

Processor Speeds

13 October 2005 - 10:43 PM

Recently I reformatted my Gateway PC. I found out that the processor speed had gone from 3.2, to 2.6. I tried to go into bios to change it back myself, but all the options are greyed out and unselectable. Can anyone help me with this?