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Member Since 25 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2011 05:14 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: hamachi

26 March 2011 - 05:18 PM

now playing 3rd week in middle hell join or visit the facebook page

Standings after 2 weeks:
1) The Hell Pitt... 18pt...4w-1t
2) Dennis... 16pt... 3w
3) XnO... 15pt... 3w
4) Killer Lars... 12pt... 2w-1t
5) Topo... 4pt
6) tlotrbfme 1pt
7) thdfhfh....1pt

In Topic: hamachi

09 March 2011 - 11:15 PM

ok the idea is interesting the players are the ones that decide.
Remember to join the Facebook page Middlehell
we do play with some rule like this:

1) 4,000 to start
2) Only one Fortress
3) No Ring hero
4) If one MOTE is playing, no custom heroes allow.
5) In tournament you win if: you destroy fortress
6) A game lasting more than 30 min is declare a tie.
7) In a tournament you have to play with same faction the complete tournament.
8) no walls
9) no more than 10 catapults
10) Use of the Lothlorien fortress upgrade Mellyrn Grove without paying for it.
11) Purchase of Fire Stones for MotE catapults without purchasing it from the blacksmith building.
12) Climbing walls with cavalry.
13) Mumakil not requiring Command Points. Please don't build eighty thousand Mumakil.
14) Unlimited Baby Dragon building; limit them to one per statue. (MotE)

Abuse of the following imbalances should not be tolerated:

In Topic: hamachi

08 March 2011 - 12:43 AM

good game ty for joining Xno :p

In Topic: hamachi

08 March 2011 - 12:43 AM

Remember we play on weekends at 11:30 am u.s. central time

If your game doesn´t connect dont worry it has a solution we will need you to post
your email address to give you the step by step solution or log inn hamachi on the weekend
to get live support
thank you :p