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Member Since 03 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2011 12:01 PM

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In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

05 March 2011 - 10:03 PM

hey speeder i need to make only AI computer player more harder to beat, and i need some help from you because is in mental omega that i need to make it happen. not for posting or anything of some kind, is just for me, for enjoy playing with a bestial AI player.

i've found a ini modifications for yuris revenge, but the mod doesnt work pretty well with this files. aimd.ini and rulesmd.ini.

this version is overpowered but very fun. I wish that you can help me to make the modication.

these are the files that i used from the internet.


In Topic: Pre-release Suggestions Thread

03 March 2011 - 12:48 PM

well, you are doing a really good and heavy work with the mod, but i think that you need to add at least one high range defense system to all epsilon and soviet faction, equitative to a grand cannon defense that in YR only france has.

maybe it is a foolish for too many people, but i think that if you want to make the game more balanced each faction need to be in the same defense range. And its obiously that the allied, and epsilon needs a hero unit but not too strong, i think.