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Member Since 17 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2006 10:28 AM

Topics I've Started


08 May 2005 - 09:05 AM

hey hostile, i know you canceled your undead faction but please relese the skeleton infantry. (and the building that builds them, i dont care which faction)

(im sry about bad english)

Help whit creating a new faction (hostile please)

26 April 2005 - 11:10 AM

I made a new faction following the tutorial, first i added the information to all the ini files and after that i added strings to the lang files and now my world builder wont start..... and whit-out the world builder i cant create a base....... please help me. I have all the files if you want to see them i just dont have any place to upload them to.


other info:

Faction name = "TheFellowShip".

I made the csf strings in the "_englishpatch102" file.

I resaved all files to finalbig format.....

I didn't make step 2 "spells and powers" becuse i want my faction to be playeable first.

If you want too take alook on the files give me your e-mail or msn.

My mail = jesper_nordlander@hotmail.com
I have msn ^

Im sorry if there something wrong whit my text, im not so good at english


is it possilbe to make a hero army?

06 April 2005 - 12:01 PM

is it possilbe to make a side/army that starts whitout buildings, only whit heroes and they only loses when all the heroes in there side are dead???

need help on cost thing

25 March 2005 - 10:44 PM

i added frodo for gondor and for some reson he dont have this section like all the other hobbits:

; ***DESIGN parameters ***
Side = Rohan
EditorSorting = UNIT
ThreatLevel = 4.0
BuildCost = 500
BuildTime = 15
TransportSlotCount = 1

i tryed to add it my self but it dosent change in game he still have 0 build cost

only 8 hero slots.. Realy? i have 9 buttons!

25 March 2005 - 10:15 PM

who said its only 8 hero slots????

i have 9buttons whit nazguls (10 buttons self repair thingy)