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Member Since 28 May 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2013 07:39 PM

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In Topic: Contra 008 Progress

13 March 2013 - 01:30 PM

You people need to stop acting so childish (even if you are underage). This is huge. A lot of work needs to be put into it (as it allready has). I don't even pretend to know how hard (or easy) it is,so I see no point in complaining. If you wan't it to be done,it must be done properly. Meaning,many little things must be tested and corrected. Or else you will bug the people again with the bugs and imperfections of the mod. Sit back,and relax.


By the way, I can't wait for the new mod,give it NOW NOW NOW! :themenace:  :w00t:

In Topic: Suggestions

19 February 2013 - 03:00 PM

Hazael won't be so effective like in 007, it's ROF is lowered a lot. When the enemy realizes, that a Hazel is near his base, he sends out 4-5 Sentry Droids and a few Commanches and your Hazael doesn't have a chance. But if you give it Anti-Radar Missiles, it will kill mobbed detectors faster, giving Hazael a little more survivability. Hazael will become a stealth universal detector/anti-radar/high range sniper unit and not a clay pigeon for enemy radar enforced armies.

Well, still it depends on the rate of fire of the antiradar missles...It may enable him to kill 2 instead of one detector, but still it doesn't change much...Once it is targeted, it will be visible. It is much better to use the allready existing anti-radar missle special power, to destroy the group of detectors before you go in with Hazael...


...and I'm from Serbia too...:)

In Topic: Suggestions

17 February 2013 - 12:19 PM

Creator said in a change log, that AF General's Superweapon can be upgraded with both Cluster and MOAB upgrade. Just a question: why does not affect these upgrades the B-3 Wyvern? It will become a potent Super Unit, however its reload time and cost may be increased...
Also there are no specific upgrades for Hazael and Efreet (Nuke Bomb Truck)...why cannot be they more awesome with a specific upgrade. For example Hazael may get the Anti-Radar Missile Upgrade, and Efreet may get Turbodiesel Engines.

Anti-Radar missles destroy detectors. Detectors are - Radar Van, Listening Outpost and Sentry Drone. Hazael has a long range,can detect and do radar-sweeps, plus can one-shot kill tanks, let alone these detector units. What would be the point of giving him anti-radar missles? He had them in 006 (I think),and I never had the chance to use them, it was allways his cannon which did the job.

As far as Efreet goes - it's basically a nuclear missle, only controlable. So,speed for him is not that big of an upgrade. He is allready invisible, and pretty much has enormous range. Any further upgrade, such as additional power or armor would be overpowering. Although, I suppose since the detonation range is lower when it is destroyed (which is a good thing), speed upgrade might just be worth it.