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Member Since 03 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2019 01:21 PM

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In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

05 February 2019 - 10:27 PM

Getting kinda lost in all these installations over here.


Installed BFME2 exactly how the guide told me too, HD version and all, Patch Switcher and everything. Weird issues going on though.


Patch 1.06 & 1.09 aren't working, keeps giving me "wrong dvd" error. (Already downloaded the game.dat and put it in the Program files)

Patch 1.00 is working, with autodefeat and wrong resolution. (Even downloaded the options.ini and edited it to 1920 1080)


Any of yall can actually help me out with this?

In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

24 January 2019 - 02:39 PM

By the way, the front page installation guide has been updated. The pdf posted was a draft for it.


Hmm nothing still working, uninstalled 2 times and installed again. It keeps coming with the no-cd or no-dvd error, same with the given game file. Will try to install again with the guide.

In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

17 January 2019 - 08:22 PM

This should not be happening if you install the latest version of the game. The latest version (BfME 1 v1.06, BfME 2 v1.09 and RotWK v2.02) has a no-cd patch and does not require a disk to be insterted while playing the game.


Hey man, I followed the new PDF you made a few pages ago. Did all the needed installs, mounted the installation etc, it shows as a mounted DVD drive as well. But whenever I try to start it it keeps giving the no-cd or no-dvd error.


FYI this happens with all the patches, 1.00, 1.06, 1.09. I have tried them all, did a reinstall like 5 times already but I can't seem to locate the mistake.